Vancouver Island

Vancouver Island

 Attractions in Vancouver Sam Vancouver is located in British Columbia, exactly across the strait from it - the eponymous island, whose capital is proudly named Victoria. The beauty of the island from the earliest times was surprising and astonishing to all travelers who managed to reach these places.

Kapilano suspension bridge

West Vancouver, BC V7S 1J5

 Sights of Vancouver Getting to know Vancouver usually begins with the pedestrian suspension bridge Kapilano, and it's not accidental. Constructed Kapilano was in 1889 by a project engineer from Scotland, George Grand McCain. At the very beginning of his existence, he looked completely different.


Vancouver, Gastown

 Attractions in Vancouver Gastown is the oldest legendary district in Vancouver. Many think that if the age of the city does not exceed three hundred years, then it is hardly possible to find the old days there. Of course, in the American continent the notions of the old and the new are completely different from those at the European one.

The World of Science Museum in Vancouver

Vancouver, St. Quebec, 1455

 Attractions in Vancouver In 1986, Vancouver hosted the international exhibition Expo, to which the city was carefully prepared. Therefore, according to the latest technology, a special building was built. The Canadians do not lose anything, so a very interesting museum "The World of Science" was opened here

BBC Stadium in Vancouver

Vancouver, Blvd Pacific, 77

 Sights of Vancouver Vancouver is the third largest city in the country, so it is clear that many important elements of modern Canada are concentrated here: the port, industrial enterprises, shopping centers, universities, colleges, schools, cultural institutions and, of course, sports facilities.

Harbor Center

Vancouver, St W Hastings, 555

 Sights of Vancouver If you are in Vancouver, a city on the western Pacific coast of Canada, you should definitely see this scientific, sports and industrial center of the country from above. Why? Because its location, architecture, combination of how the city is "inscribed" into the natural environment - are unique.

Vancouver is a city on the west coast of Canada, the largest in the province of British Columbia (not to be confused with the South American state) and the third largest in Canada in general. In recent years, Vancouver has been recalled, as a rule, in connection with the 2010 Winter Olympics held there, but few people know that the British researchers from The Economist have awarded the capital of British Columbia three times the title of "the best city of the Earth."

Vancouver is a city, by our standards, a relatively young one, founded already in the 19th century, received its name in honor of the famous navigator J . Vancouver, who opened the eponymous island in the Pacific Ocean . Then it was a quiet provincial city located between two majestic Snow-covered mountain peaks - Mount Seymour and Soliburn . In the beginning of the 20th century, the city begins to grow rapidly both in terms of area and in relation to the population . Now Vancouver has about 700 thousand . inhabitants, and the so-called Greater Vancouver , that is, the urban part itself plus the suburbs - about 3 million . And, however, it is very comfortable, does not depress its volume and populousness . Secret - in an exceptionally well thought out infrastructure and a diverse development of the city . Vancouver is cut by rivers, through which it is laid more than 20 bridges, three of which are razvodnye . The famous Lion Bridge stretched for half a kilometer, and is "guarded" by statues of white lions . Another bridge - Kapilano, the city's business card, its length is 140 m . And this means, that it is the longest bridge in the country, and therefore the unflagging popularity of this tourist attraction is clear to tourists .

Now Vancouver has about 700 thousand inhabitants, and the so-called Greater Vancouver, ie. actually the city part plus suburbs - about 3 million. However, it is very comfortable, does not depress its volumes and crowd.

Vancouver is a city of science and universities. Probably, this was the reason for the construction of Science World, where the modern interactive museum of science is located. Here you become a direct participant in scientific experiments and discoveries. For example, you can find yourself inside the camera, learn to catch up with your own shadow and start up square soap bubbles.

People who once dreamed of skyscrapers can be recommended to join the children's dream by climbing the tower of the Harbor Center, the view from this skyscraper is absolutely inexpressible - a huge city, ocean, mountains, bridges and parks.

By the way, about the parks. It is an amazing ecology - a special pride of Canada, and parks make a significant contribution to the preservation of it. One of the most famous parks in Vancouver is located just near the Kapilano bridge and is also called. There you are waited by waterfalls, a canyon laid in the most picturesque places of ancient woods of a path.

Another old and seemingly almost untouched man of a corner of the nature - park Stanley. Here you will find yourself surrounded by fabulous dense forests and clear lakes. In this place it is almost impossible to believe that a huge city is living nearby its vibrant life.

Be sure to visit Fort Langley, where the city of two hundred years old has survived, and magnificent views are opened. You can visit the oldest quarter of the city of Gastown, reminiscent of the appearance of the atmosphere of the stories of Jack London and James Curwood about the North. The Far Eastern segment of culture is represented by a very peculiar Chinese quarter, and also by the most real Japanese garden.

In the city there are many museums - of course, an indispensable attribute of many ocean and sea cities - the Maritime Museum - attracts a lot of tourists, since here, for example, . An anthropological museum will also impress fans of antiquities, and the city aquarium will be especially liked by children.

An interesting adventure awaits those who climb Mount Kuropatka, you will have a fascinating journey by cable car, and on the mountain you will have the opportunity either to admire the beautiful views, or to engage in extreme sports.

Another Canadian trademark is maple syrup, which is sold almost everywhere. It can be brought home as a souvenir, knowing exactly that no one will outdo you in originality.