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Another gallery - Dare Dare - is dedicated to beginners. The concept of the gallery: to enable young creative people to realize their boldest ideas. We can say that here they represent those works that, perhaps, would not have dared to take other galleries. At the same time, they use a variety of visual means - from paints, various installations, to multimedia and electronic music.

For example, the works of Iva Genro, Mary-Mitch Cron, Leslie Johnstone and Philip Tessier were exhibited here. Entrance is free

 Painted van, Dare Dare Gallery, Montreal  Gallery Dare Dare
Painted van, Gallery Dare Dare
 Graffiti, Dare Dare Gallery, Montreal  Gallery Dare Dare
Graffiti, Gallery Dare Dare
 Gallery Dare Dare, Montreal  Gallery Dare Dare
Gallery Dare Dare