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Gastown is the oldest legendary district in Vancouver. Many think that if the age of the city does not exceed three hundred years, then it is hardly possible to find the old days there. Of course, on the American continent, the notions of the old and the new are not at all like those in Europe, but there is a story here. And Gastown is the best proof for this.

The main focus of Vancouver's history - the Gastown district - is at its very heart .Having come here, you seem to be in another time and you can observe the city as it was originally .Architecture here clearly reminds of the long and brilliant reign of Queen Victoria, the streets are also laid in the traditions of the era - narrow, with a lot of transitions and a gateway .In the courtyards, which are not so easy to discover, stylish restaurants and shops are hidden .Needless to say, Gastown is a place that attracts crowds of tourists .Let's talk about some of its sights .

Boltful Jack

Actually, in honor of this very Jack Gastown and got its name. Jack Dayton was his first resident, due to the nature of the character, those who communicated with him gave him the nickname Gassy, ​​which means "talkative", for Jack had the habit of making any conversation a long monologue, not caring at all about the attention of listeners. The statue of Jack is now installed in Maple Tree's Gestaune park and is one of the most popular sights.

Jack Dayton was the first resident of the district, due to the nature of the character, those who communicated with him gave him the nickname Gassi, which means "talkative". Hence the name Gastown.

Steam clock

The steam clock, which is driven by an underground generator, is a real symbol of the city. Every fifteen minutes of an impressive building a deafening battle is heard, and once a hour an entire cloud of steam bursts out. This unique mechanism was created according to the drawings of the 19th century in the 70s, in protest of the citizens against the demolition of Gastown, which the city authorities planned.

Hotel Europe

It is in this area of ​​the city is the hotel "Europe", built in the early 20th century. It was the first building in Vancouver, and, besides, the hotel that was built with refractory materials. Nowadays it is closed to guests, but you can appreciate the original exterior decoration of the building - it is a combination of Italian tiles and windows taken with lead glass.


Secrets of the Vancouver police

In Gastown there is also a very original museum, similar to which not everyone can boast, even large cities of the world. This is a police museum. It is located, to put it mildly, not in the most picturesque corner of Gastown, includes the morgue and the autopsy section, and many other various "prosaic" elements of the police case. However, it is a treasure trove, which allows one to look into the "bowels" of the work of zealots of law and order.

In the exposition you will see counterfeit money, firearms, a description of unsolved cases, with all the "evidence" that you managed to collect.

Other attractions

If you are tired of a series of city lanes, look in the Queen Elizabeth National Park, which is located at the highest point of Vancouver, which means you can enjoy wonderful views of the city.

In Gastown you will find an abundance of souvenir shops, many boutiques specialize in selling designer furniture. Some tourists visit such salons, almost like museums.

And in the summer in Gestauna the International jazz festival passes.

In general, the art of Gastown long-standing relationship: at one time here liked to settle artists and representatives okolotopohemnyh circles, since apartments in this ancient area were inexpensive. But since bohemia is a trendsetter, Gastown soon began to enjoy great popularity, and house prices soared. So today it is a very prestigious and not cheap place of the city. But Gastown is multifaceted, and it is here, by the way, is the largest in China, the Chinese quarter with all the attributes attributed to it.

Address: Gastown, Vancouver. The district is in the city center, south-east of the station of the Canadian Pacific Rail Station.