Bishushanzhuang, whose name is translated from Chinese as "Mountain refuge from summer heat" - the summer residence of the Chinese emperors of the Qing dynasty. Bishushanzhuang Palace is located in Chengde City, Hebei Province, which is three hours from Beijing
It is believed that the idea of building the palace belongs to the Emperor Kangxi, who had a hard time bearing the stifling heat of the Beijing summer. "Mountain shelter from the summer heat" was built almost 90 years and was completed in 1792, after which the emperors of the Qing dynasty spent all the hot season here. Like many decades ago, a magnificent park of more than 60 thousand square meters. m gives peace and coolness to visitors.
Bishushanzhuang is divided into a courtyard of official receptions and private chambers of emperors, in the district of which there are many palaces and ceremonial structures. Most of the local buildings reproduce the styles and landscapes typical of different corners of the Ch'ing Empire. All inscriptions here are made in 5 languages of the empire: Chinese, Manchu, Mongolian, Tibetan and Turkic. The palace and temple buildings wonderfully combine the best features of various national cultures.
In the northeastern part of the Bishushanzhuang complex there are the so-called "8 external temples" - a symbol of the unification of the Han, Mongolian and Tibetan nationalities, which the rulers of the Qing dynasty dreamed of. Putoczunchen Temple is a copy of the Potala Tibetan Palace, and the Punisy Temple is a copy of the Tibetan Samaye Monastery. It houses the world's largest wooden statue of Buddha, covered with gold. Its height is 27, 21 m, and weight is 108 tons.
The historical part of Chengde city and the palace itself "Mountain refuge from summer heat" are included in the list of UNESCO world cultural heritage.