Do you translate in China in the fall from summer to winter time?

Currently, only in 78 countries of the world go to winter time and back (in some countries, not all regions do this). In particular, in China, as in some other eastern countries (Japan, India, Singapore), and in general in many countries of the world (including in our country), have long ago abandoned the translation of the clock for winter time.

Previously, since 1912, China had five time zones - UTC + 5: 30, UTC + 6, UTC + 7, UTC + 8 and UTC + 8: 30, but for a long time in the country left a single time zone UTC +8. That is, the difference with Moscow time is 4 hours (when in Moscow noon, in China is already 16 hours)

Answer Larisa Barysheva
China does not enter summer time. Throughout the country, the whole year is at one time - Beijing, which is four hours ahead of Moscow

April 12, 2013

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