Do people understand English in China?

Responses information department of "Subtleties of Tourism"
English language, of course, has the status of international, but here the possession of a tourist in China will help poorly. In large cities of the country you can find a person speaking this language, but it will take a lot of effort.

People who work at airports, police stations, educational institutions and famous tourist sites understand English and even can speak it . But in the supermarkets, restaurants or just on the streets, people will not be able to communicate with the locals in English.

There were not even signs and inscriptions in this language in China a few years ago, but now the situation is straightened out . Now you can easily go to The Celestial Empire itself, armed with a map of the city and a guidebook, where the names of streets in English are given, and a notebook in which the address of your hotel is written with hieroglyphs . In the menu restaurant with pictures, it is enough to point out the chosen dish . And the benevolent Chinese the streets are always trying to help and understand you . Although you are still more likely to meet someone who knows at least a few phrases in Russian than an English speaker .

October 3, 2011

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