How can I plan a trip to China?

Responses information department of the "Tourism Subtlety"
The most popular tourist routes connect such famous sights as the Great Wall of China, the Terracotta Army, the Forbidden City (Gugun), the Chengdu Nature Reserve . Also among the travel programs in China often you can find a cruise along the great Yangtze River, rest among the karst landscapes of Guilin, or an acquaintance with the former capital of the state - the proud of Hangzhou with scenic views of the West Lake, the immortal generations of Chinese artists . Liu Antiquities pay attention to traditional Chinese lands in the heart of the country - Beijing and Xian, and connoisseurs of all the most modern - are sent to Shanghai and Hong Kong . You can also go to Macao - Chinese Las Vegas .

As for the weather, then China is a fairly large country, and the weather changes here are a usual phenomenon depending on the region of stay . If you are not sure that you will be in the same region for the whole trip, orient yourself to spring-autumn from March to April or from September to October: the nights are a little cool , but in the afternoon on year is perfect for excursions . If the goal is still a beach holiday, then keep in mind that the season in Hainan Island starts in October and lasts until May . And the winter (the end of January - February) is the time of colorful and very spectacular celebrations on the occasion of the Chinese New Year and the Spring Festival .

on May 29, 2014

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