How much does it cost to fly between cities in China?

Responsible Larissa Barysheva
The cost of an air flight depends on the season, destination, duration of flight and airline.

On average, air tickets in China cost 150 USD one way (flight duration up to 2 hours), Beijing - Guangzhou or Sanya - 300 USD one way for the ticket

Answer information department of the "Tourism Subtlety"
When preparing a trip to China it is not necessary to buy tickets for domestic flights through international booking systems - so you will pay for flight within China from 100-180 USD to 600 USD per ticket, then as for the discounting airline you can find offers for 30-50 USD.

The first and so far the only discounting airline in China is Spring Airlines . The base city of the airline is Shanghai, where its planes fly to Guiyang Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Dalian, Jinjiang, Yinchuan, Kunming, Lanzhou, [Macao], Manyan, Nanning, Xi'an, Xiamen, Tianjin, Urumqi, Fuzhou, Harbin, Huaihua, Hohhot, Changchun, Changde, Changsha, Zhuchai, Qingdao , Chongqing, Shantou, Shenzhen, Shenyang, Shijiajuan . Between some of the listed cities, flights company . Buy tickets on the site of Spring Airlines (Spring Airlines) better in advance .Sales start about 2 months before departure .

As for domestic flights by traditional airlines, there are many in China - each self-respecting province deems it a matter of honor to have its own regional airline, plus several inter-regional and national airlines . Between large cities planes almost every hour . Here, too, it is best to book tickets for a month or two, or, on the contrary, almost on the eve of departure . Standard ticket fares for these airlines do not differ from pr but in China there is a system of discounts on domestic flights, sometimes reaching 90% of the tariff for early booking or buying tickets a few days before departure for low-traffic flights . Just keep in mind that the higher the discount, the inconvenient time of departure .

For the booking of domestic flights in China with discounts it is convenient to use the Chinese tourist portal cTrip, which has a version in English, and you can pay for tickets with a bank card or through PayPa l

June 2, 2014

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