Streets of Shanghai

The Department of Tourism of Shanghai closed two city outlets after checking the goods for authenticity. The sale of counterfeits caught the shopping center Jinxiu Expo Center and jewelry store Pu He Sheng Shi.

The owners of these points were fined, and sales are prohibited until counterfeit products are eliminated from the shelves. The Department notes cases of selling counterfeit jewelry to tourists who could not subsequently hand over the purchased items, as the store carried out trade without checks.

At the same time, it is reported that the jewelry store has an agreement with travel companies that bring excursion groups to the boutique. So, a tourist from Hong Kong complained that he bought jewelery at the store for a large sum on the advice of the guide and realized that it was a fake, only upon returning home.

The facts of sale of counterfeit goods in popular tourist places in Shanghai were interested in local law enforcement agencies.

August 13, 2014
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