What is the time difference between China and Moscow?

Responsible information department of "Tourism Subtlety"
The People's Republic of China and its special administrative region Hong Kong are in the zone of time zone UTC + 8. This means that the time in this country is ahead of the universal coordinated time (in most cases fully equivalent to the GMT) for 8 hours

Since that time, since 1949 all the year round China has been living all year round, including Hong Kong and the Macau Autonomous Territory. This is not very convenient for the western regions of the country, so in 2005 it was proposed to divide the PRC into 2 time zones. The government has not yet supported the initiative, and the state continues to use China's standard or, as it is also called, Beijing time (UTC + 8) throughout its territory. It differs from Moscow for 4 hours upwards.

October 13, 2011

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