What are the most beautiful gardens in China?

Responses Information department of the "Tourism Subtlety"
The Garden of Joy or Yu-Yuan (Yuyuan), also called the Mandarin Garden and the Temple of the City Gods - one of the oldest parks in the world, located in the top ten most beautiful gardens in the world. Shanghai . This classic masterpiece of the park architecture of southern China consists of 6 parts, separated by the "walls of the dragon": Hall of three spikelets of wheat and a great garden of stones; Hall of Spring and Hall of the Bliss; Tower of beautiful scenery; Pavilion frolicking fish and the Chamber of ten thousand flowers; Elegant jade stone and Inner Garden; Pavilion of the exercise of nine lions and Pavilion where toasts are touted .

Another park of Shanghai - Hongkou is also attractive - the place where the famous Chinese writer Lu Xin found the last refuge.

Beijing Cultural Park - green islet among. There are three pairs of picturesque old gates here, and inside the park there are held colorful oriental rituals of veneration of ancestors, ancient manuscripts are kept here, the garden is decorated with graceful hieroglyphs that glorify the Chinese emperors, and numerous local holidays are held here.

More quiet and secluded - Taojinting Gongyuan Park, broken in the X century and filled with flirty pavilions, drowning in the green of trees, hidden under the branches of beautiful and wooden benches with colorful Peking old women on .

A Park of San Yat-sen in Beijing, named after the revolutionary and President of the Republic of China, holds the legendary altar of land and unique colorful flower greenhouses with true masterpieces breeding. The best time to visit it is during the peonies blooming, which are incredibly numerous here

And the Chinese island of Hainan is famous not only for the beautiful beaches , but also for several exotic gardens: the unique Coconut Palm Park , where more than two hundred species of palm trees grow , (not just coconuts); A tropical wildlife park with relic ferns and millennial trees , bizarre palm trees and ubiquitous creepers; The tropical bird park , where you can meet more than 10 thousand species of birds (and this is the good half of all birds on Earth); The "Edge of the World" Park , famous silent voices , telling ancient legends and bushes of whimsical forms of whales and dragons - the southernmost point of the Celestial Empire

And finally, do not deprive the attention of San Jian Safari Park, where the most different animals feel at home. These visitors to the park are visiting them - in a special locomotive or in a private car, from which it is strongly discouraged to leave the park staff. Many predators move here quite freely. However, many other animals are not afraid of contact with people, they are willing to poses before cameras and take delicious gifts from the hands of tourists.

April 25, 2014

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