What is the weather like in winter in China?

Responses information department of "Tourism Subtlety"
In winter, in a large territory of China it is quite cold, the temperature is about 0 ° C, snow may fall out. Only in the south of the country is slightly warmer - up to +6 ° C. However, in winter here too there is where to relax: on the island of Hainan at this time you can not only bask in the sun, but even swim, as in the summer. So the average annual air temperature here is + 24 ° C (the temperature in January is about +22 ° C), the water is +26 ° C.

The lovers of skiing are worth visiting the resort of Yabuli, where in winter it is about -10 ° C.

In the regions west of the Great Khingan Range, winters are usually very severe: temperatures can drop to -27 ° C, a record -50 ° C.

However, winter tourism in most of China is not very suitable for excursion tourism.

April 29, 2014

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