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Los Nevados National Park is located in the Central Cordillera region, this is the territory of the Andes mountains, belonging to Colombia . The area of ​​the reserve is more than 58 thousand . ha . (mountain rises in the National Park of Los Nevados reach from 2500 to 5000 m), the reserve is among the most visited places in Colombia . Tourists are not at all afraid of the long road to the national park and the absence of comfortable hotels here . In response, the National park Los Nevados gives its g unforgettable excursions to the largest in the Andes volcanoes, as well as a visit to the beautiful lake of the glacial origin of Santa Isabel ("Enchanted Lagoon") .

In the National Park of Los Nevados, specially developed for tourists are trekking routes - jeep trips, including the high peaks of the reserve. By the way, there are guest houses right on the territory of the reserve, where you can stay both for the night and for a whole week

Despite the mountainous terrain, a lot of birds (from hummingbirds to parrots) and animals (bears) live in the National Park of Los Nevados , tapirs, cougars, opossums and others). Equally rich is the plant world of the reserve. According to biologists, there are over one thousand plant species, several hundred species of mosses and fungi.

Los Nevados National Park (used)

The status of the Los Nevados protected reserve was acquired in 1973, nevertheless The National Park is always open for tourists. The best time to visit the Los Nevados National Park is from July to August. In these months, there is less rain here. Trekking routes have been developed specially for tourists in the nature reserve, such as jeep trips, including those on the high peaks of the reserve.

By the way, there are guest houses right on the territory of the reserve, where you can stay both for the night and for a whole week.

Los Nevados National Park is best reached from the city of Manizales. This is the administrative center of the Caldas department. From Manizales to the reserve can be reached by a rented bus or car; The distance to be covered is about 90 km.