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Hardly anyone can come up with a place in Cyprus for rest, bathing, splashing and happy childish whining in the water better than Pharos beach. Located not far from Larnaca, on the picturesque peninsula of Kitty, this coast by nature itself was created for the rest of the kids. What is especially valuable: there is always a free place, the beach does not break with the number of tourists, so not only the most important guests of Cyprus, but also their often tired parents feel relatively calm and free.

Kitty Peninsula, by the way, besides the "children's" The beach, which is on the east coast, is famous for its lighthouse located on the west side. There you can go for beautiful photos, and to introduce the growing generation with such an important part of every sailor's life as a beacon.
Why is this beach so good? It's simple: there is a breakwater near the shore, which forms an almost ideal "bathhouse."

What is this beach so good? Everything is simple: there is a breakwater coming almost close to the shore, which forms an almost ideal "bathhouse". Of course, the quality of sand also plays an important role: in Faros this is a quality "mix" of sand and sandstone. And, of course, infrastructure. The coast is equipped with sun loungers, umbrellas, there is a playground for volleyball, in the season lifeguards are on duty, you can rent a sports equipment. And yes, they almost forgot: The Blue Flag is also available.

Address: Faros Beach, Kiti Peninsula, Larnaka

Keep in mind, Cyprus was lucky enough to get two beaches with the name of Pharos: the second one is in Paphos
 Beach of Faros, Larnaca  Beach of Faros
Beach of Faros