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Ероскипос is an ancient village located east of Paphos. In Greek, the name means "sacred garden". It was here that the gardens of Aphrodite grew, it was here that the goddess indulged in free love.

However, there were no reminders about those events (if they were in fact). The main attraction of the village is the church of St. Paraskeva. You can go to the museum of folk art. And it is not out of place to try lukumiyu - it's confectionery products made of jelly, almonds, sprinkled with powdered sugar. A shop with sweets is located on the main street of the village.

Paraskeva Church is a Byzantine basilica, which Christians built around the 9th century. Wall painting refers to the period of iconoclasm - this is a rare specimen of such creativity. As it is known, after the parishioners began to worship the icons again, all the flowers and stylized crosses were covered with frescoes depicting the faces of the saints.

The folk art museum can be visited for two reasons: from boredom or from great love for traditional Cypriot crafts. However, here it is still possible to wait out the heat for 2 EUR
 St. Paraskeva Church, Paphos  Yeroskipos
Church of St. Paraskeva
 Elegant gazebo, Eroskipos, Paphos  Ероскипос
 The destroyed dome of the church of St. Paraskeva, Pafos  Ероскипос
The destroyed cupola of the church

Reviews of Yeroskipos (1)

Evaluation 6

Gardens of the Gods and Lukumovy Paradise March 24, 2014

was here in November 2012
The village of Geroskipou, the largest of the suburban villages Paphos, is located on a hill with a view of the sea. The wild primeval beauty of the rocks, the emerald greenery of the fields, the multitude of fruit trees and flowers and the dazzling blue of the sea create the complete illusion that here and in fact were once the Gardens of the Gods. first I will tell you about the church of Saint Paraskeva / Aya Paraskevi. The temple is a Byzantine basilica, built by unknown when, but not later than ... Read full review
 Ероскипос  Ероскипос  Ероскипос