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One of the most famous castles in Cyprus, which is 10 km west of Limassol. The castle was built from yellowish limestone in the early 13th century by the order of the King of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. A fine example of medieval military architecture, it was once again rebuilt in the middle of the 15th century when it acquired a modern look.

 Beautiful view of the Kolossi Castle, Limassol  Kolossi Castle
Kolossi Castle

Today it attracts tourists with an observation deck with a magnificent view of the surroundings, and the wine cellars of the Knights of the Order of St. John that have survived to this day in the cellars. It was here that the legendary Cypriot wine of Kommandaria first appeared.

In the vicinity of the castle there are magnificent citrus plantations. Kolossi Castle is also famous for its sugar factory. This is the best sugar factory in Cyprus.
Kolossi Castle
 Entrance to Kolossi Castle, Limassol  Kolossi Castle
Entrance to Kolossi Castle
 Kolossi Castle, Limassol  Kolossi Castle
Kolossi Castle
 Kolossi Castle at sunset, Limassol
Kolossi Castle at sunset

Reviews of Kolossi Castle (1)

Evaluation 3

June 03, 2014

Review Author
was here in April 2013
Lovers wander around the ruins, here of course like it, but I in these places bored.
For an hour we listened to the guide, we walked the same way about the castle. All this time I tried to get out of this tour something interesting for myself. So this is a common castle, which has lost its original appearance a bit. It no longer looks like a castle, but an ordinary house. More interesting is what the guide told, as well as various drawings on the castle walls, which for some reason nobody commented on.
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 Kolossi Castle  Kolossi Castle