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Once Lachi was a small fishing village, but today it is a great place for an excellent beach holiday. And, despite the almost year-round stay of tourists here, the village has not lost its original charm, which today is well combined with the traditional way of life that has evolved over the centuries.

Lachi is the ideal place for those who are terribly tired of the bustle and do not find the desired rest in the popular popular resorts. There are many quiet and secluded places, where you can finally stop, to be alone with the beautiful nature and your own thoughts.

Lachi is located on the picturesque peninsula Akamas, not far from the city of Polis. As it is not surprising, but these edges are not very popular with a greater mass of tourists, therefore here it is always relatively calm. So you can not worry because you suddenly do not have enough sun beds or a place on the beach, there will be no problems with this. But at your service are fine sand and pebble beaches with the purest water of inexpressibly beautiful color.

Local beaches, as elsewhere in Cyprus - are municipal. The price for sun loungers and umbrellas ranges from 3 to 5 EUR. By paying this amount, you can use much-needed beach accessories all day long.

The beach is well equipped, there are showers, toilets, platforms for easy entry into the water, a specially equipped path for people with disabilities.

The coastline of Lacha extends for 1.5 km and smoothly passes to Polis beach, although it is easy not to notice the time of the crossing. The beach strip is very spacious - from 30 to 50 m. Behind the beach area and greenery there is a convenient parking. And directly from the coast at 50 m in the sea are breakwaters, thanks to which there are no strong waves and underwater currents. In addition, the breakwaters can be beautifully sunbathing, enjoying complete solitude.

Descending into the water smoothly - it's a big plus if you relax with children. The depth starts at a distance of about 7 m from the shore. And the water temperature is always high, especially in the season.
If you get tired of lying on the beach and swimming, you can always stroll through the picturesque village of Latchi. This place is remarkable because here, it seems, time has stopped, and the way of life of local residents has not changed for several centuries.

If you get tired of lying on the beach and swimming, you can always stroll through the picturesque village of Lachi .This place is remarkable because here, it seems, time has stopped, and the way of life of local residents has not changed for several centuries .In the taverns you will be served perfectly prepared dishes of fish and seafood, as well as pouring excellent home-made wine or rakii .Visiting any of the local taverns, you have a chance to taste the seafood directly from the fresh catch .On the local culinary features says the fact that here come to eat with the inhabitants from the whole island .

Latchi Beach

The Akamas Peninsula

Nearby is the Akamas National Park, which is considered one of the most pristine reserves of the Mediterranean .In general, the Akamas Peninsula is famous as a very popular area of ​​ecological tourism .Traditionally travelers from all over Europe travel here to relax in the bosom of nature .And this is not surprising, because they see the gaze of wonderful quiet bays, green forests, rocks, as well as rare representatives of flora and fauna .One of the attractions of the peninsula are sea turtles, which lay eggs in the sand .Archaeologists in these places found many traces of ancient settlements .A well-known place in the vicinity is the "bathhouse of Aphrodite", which is a grotto with a waterfall .