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Limassol Castle - witness almost the whole history of the island . Her appearance was marked by an interesting fact: it was here, in the Byzantine church, was the wedding of Richard the Lionheart . The King of England actually sailed in Akra, but as a result of the storm it was necessary to land on the coast of Cyprus, and the experienced conqueror had no difficulty in capturing the cities . Not even a year later, when the Knights Templar was taken over by Cyprus, then the island became the property of the French dynasty Lusignanova . This dynasty of rules Cyprus almost all the Middle Ages .

Today, the castle has become a museum of the Middle Ages. The collection of the museum of Nicosia was moved here, when this museum became a buffer zone after 1974.

Fortresses were unbearable: in 1373 there was a siege of the Genoese, in 1425 the Egyptian Mamluks attacked the building - the building was damaged. In 1489 the island was sold to the Venetians, and already in 1491 there was a strong earthquake: the castle ceased to exist. It was 1570, the castle was rebuilt again, but Limassol itself, with the new owners - the Turks - lost value as a city. In 1878, the British came to power, revival began, the fortress was made a prison

To this day, this castle became a museum of the Middle Ages . Here the collection of the museum of Nicosia was transported, when after 1974 the city became a buffer zone . In the fortress it is possible to find old buildings, various objects that tell of the life of the inhabitants of the island, one of the interesting exhibits is a press for olive oil, it dates from the 7th and 9th centuries . The museum stores Italian ceramics, knights' armor, medieval weapons, clothes, furniture, various artifacts time emen of the Ottoman Empire . And the tourists who climb the castle will be rewarded with a gorgeous panorama .

You can enter the museum according to the schedule of all museums of the world, on Sunday the fortress works from 10:00 to 13:00. The price for visiting is 2 EUR.

It is necessary to get to the fortress through the dense urban development. The street on which the building is located is easy to remember, it's the street of Richard and Berengaria. It is easier to orientate to the Syntagmatos street, it goes along the embankment, it is worth to get to the transport ring and climb up.

In addition to the fortress, you can visit the locust tree museum nearby. The fruits of this tree in Cyprus resemble chocolate, and the syrup called "haraopomelo" is compared with honey.
 Limassol Castle, Limassol  Limassol Castle
Limassol Castle
 Staircase, Limassol Castle, Limassol  Limassol Castle
Staircase, Limassol Castle