Monastery of Ayia Napa

Grigori Afxentiou

 Monasteries of Cyprus In the middle of the courtyard is located "Fountain House" of precious marble, where the founder of the monastery was buried, in addition, many tourists are attracted by the chapel located there. Of particular note is the veil that Jesus Christ transmitted to St. Veronica when he went to Calvary.

Monastery of Maheras


 Monasteries of Cyprus In the eastern part of Troodos at an altitude of about 900 meters above sea level there is another monastery - Maheras. Its founders are two monks who have found an icon of the Holy Virgin in a cave

Monastery of St. George Alaman

Limassol, Agios Georgios Alamanou

 Monasteries of Cyprus Monastery of St. George Alamanu - one of the The largest women's monastery in Cyprus, not far from Limassol. Founded in the 12th century by German hermit monks from the Palestinian land as a masculine, it was named after one of the monks of the monastery who became famous as an ascetic and a miracle-worker.

Monastery of St. Neophyte the Recluse

Pathos, Tala, Ave Agios Neofytos

 Monasteries of Cyprus The monastery of St. Neophyte the Recluse has its history from 1159, when monk Neophyte chose a picturesque place near Paphos and with his own hands built in the rock a cave in which he lived for many years , until his death.

Monastery of the Holy Virgin Kykkos

Paphos Forest , Cyprus

 Monasteries of Cyprus Founded in 1100. The buildings that we can see today are built in the 18th century. In the late 80-ies of the 20 century. The monastery was restored - it was then that there were murals and magnificent mosaics.

Monastery of Stavrovouni

Pyrga, Cyprus

 Monasteries of Cyprus Monastery of Stavrovoni (Greek Mountain of the Cross) was founded in the 4th century. n. e. the mother of Emperor Constantine Helena, who stopped at this place to wait for the storm. According to legend, an angel appeared to her and ordered the founding of a monastery here and leaving in it a particle of the Life-giving Cross, which she found in Jerusalem.

Monastery Trooditissa

Platres, Monastery Trooditissa

 Monasteries of Cyprus Trooditiss is very loved by people. Despite the fact that this is a closed monastery, everyone who is brought to these places by faith and reverence will be welcome here - the monks know many amazing stories about the miraculous spiritual power and share them with pleasure.

Chrysoroyatissa Monastery

Cyprus, Pano Panagia

 Monasteries of Cyprus In the western part of the Troodos mountain range there is a monastery of Chrysoroyatissa, founded in 1152. This holy abode is famous for its own production wines. It is believed that small doses of a grape drink made in a monastery can save a believer from many ailments.

Cyprus, the third largest island in the Mediterranean, is rightly considered to be the rarest of the most valuable corners of Orthodoxy. Currently, the total area of ​​9250 square meters. km there are 12 active Orthodox monasteries (there are more than three dozen of them, the history of many dates back to the time of ancient Byzantium) and more than 500 temples.

Most of the inhabitants of Cyprus profess Orthodox Christianity, and only a small part are adherents of Islam. Moreover, the Orthodox Church of Cyprus, having a significant impact on the political and public aspects of the life of Cypriots, plays an important role in the development of the country. This is probably why the church has the most fertile land of the island.

Christianity has begun to play an invaluable role in the history of Cyprus since the 1st century AD, when the apostles Paul and Barnabas traveled all over the island carrying a new religion to the masses . Ruling Cyprus in those days Lucius Sergius Paul accepted Christianity and was baptized by the apostle Paul himself, and Cyprus became the first province of the Roman Empire, whose ruler was a Christian . Every year thousands of tourists aspire to visit Cyprus, perceiving this island primarily not as a resort, and as the Holy Land, and come here, including to see with their own eyes its ancient shrines .

In the local monasteries there are preserved frescoes and icons dating from the first centuries of Christianity. Apostles Paul, Philip, Mark, Barnabas, Saints John the Most Merciful, Lazarus Four-Age and Equal-to-the-Apostles Elena and Fekla - in honor of these saints, especially revered by locals, many city streets and even small villages are named.

Above all the monasteries of the island stands the monastery of Trooditissa, where for many centuries carefully follow the ancient traditions and store spiritual relics with a thousand-year history. The two main shrines of Trooditissa are the main icon of the monastery of the work of Evangelist Luke, framed by a silver salary with angels, and the Belt of the Virgin. Both shrines, according to legend, have a miraculous power that can give a child to those who can not become pregnant.

One of the most ancient monasteries in Cyprus - Stavrovouni - was founded in 327 by St. Helena. She survived the storm when she appeared to an angel, who ordered the founding of the very place of the monastery. At the behest of the angel, Elena gave the monastery a fragment of the cross on which Jesus was crucified - this relic is still kept in the monastery. St. Nicholas Monastery also owes its appearance to St. Helena.

In the Cypriot monasteries, frescoes and icons dating from the first centuries of Christianity were preserved. In honor of the apostles Paul, Philip, Mark, Barnabas, Saint John the Merciful, Lazarus of the Four-Hundred and Equal-to-the-Apostles Helena and Fyokla, who are especially venerated by the local inhabitants, many city streets and even small villages are named.

The monastery of John Lampadystis is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. in the village of Kalopanayotis. The ancient monastery has been rebuilt many times over the centuries, but the main church still has beautiful frescoes of the 13th century. The monastery does not work for a long time, but still remains a remarkable spiritual and cultural monument of Cyprus.

Near the Monastery of St. Neophyte the Recluse, which stands near Paphos, there are caves in which the Neophyte lived. However, the monastery itself is very unusual and worthy of attention, because it was cut down in the rocks. There are preserved frescoes, written during the lifetime of the Recluse, in the 12th century, and some of its rooms are so compact that you can reach out to the fresco decorating the ceiling. At the monastery there is a museum in which ancient icons and manuscripts are kept.

Today the Orthodox Church still plays a significant role in the life of Cyprus and has a significant influence on its policies, economy and development in general. For this reason, ancient monasteries are carefully guarded and represent a wonderful sight for every connoisseur of history and spirituality. Special attention is worthy: the monastery of St. George Alamanos, the monastery Chrysoroyatis, the monastery of Panagia tu Sinti, the monastery of the Holy Cross and many others.