Add a review about St. George's Monastery to Alamanu

Monastery of St. .George Alamanu - one of the largest women's monasteries in Cyprus, near Limassol .Founded in the 12th century by German hermit monks from the Palestinian land as a male, it got its name in honor of one of the monks of the monastery, famous as an ascetic and miracle worker .After his death, a monastery was founded next to the monk's cell, named after Sv .George the Victorious .But since a monastery with the same name in Cyprus already was, in order to avoid confusion it was called monastery St. .George Alamanu (alaman in Greek - "Germanic") .

In the Middle Ages, the monastery was destroyed and abandoned, and only in 1880, at the site of the old temple, the new monk was erected by hieromonk Paisii, and monastic cells were built nearby. Here, too, was found the source, named as Agiosma of St. George ("holy" from the Greek). Until 1907 the monastery continued to grow, but then the monks gradually left it, leaving for other monasteries.

Founded in the 12th century by German hermit monks from the Palestinian land, the monastery was named in honor of St. George the Victorious, but to avoid confusion it was called the monastery of St. George Alamanu (alaman in Greek - "Germanic"). Now it is one of the largest women's monasteries in Cyprus.

The new life of the monastery of St. George Alamanu began in 1949, when nuns moved from the monastery of St. Anthony in Dherinia. So on this place a nunnery was formed. The number of nuns increased with time, they carried out the restoration work of the monastery buildings and even built a new temple in the name of St. Nektariya of Eginsky and a new cemetery church.

To date, the monastery of St. George Alamanu remains an active women's abode, there are about two dozen nuns who fill the purity of their faith and the magic of their hands all around. Nuns take care of the garden and garden, raise birds and bees, do needlework and write icons. Everyone entering the monastery yard is immediately filled with magical fragrances of flowers, a feeling of peace and grace. The source of holy water remains active, and everyone can freely type it and take it with them.

Agios Georgios Alamanos Monastery, Cyprus

The main church of the monastery, which is a classical basilica, is decorated with picturesque arched vaults, painted with beautiful frescoes. There is also a small shop at the monastery where religious books and icons are sold, as well as products created by nuns: fragrant honey and jars of homemade jam that is brewed according to ancient recipes.

Agios Georgios Alamanou Beach

At the monastery of St. .Georgy Alamanu has another secret: a winding path between olive trees leads a curious traveler directly to the seashore, where there is a wild and little-known beach known as the "White Stones" because of the white rocks that shine in the sunlight and make them squint from it piercing aurora .It is an amazing corner of nature, making an indelible impression by its unearthly beauty and the feeling that you are entering another universe where there is only the sea, the sun and the white, absolutely clean world .

How to get here

The monastery is located 19 km east of Limassol, near the village of Pendakomo.

Superior: nun Olympiad. Tel: +357 25 63 23 29

If you are moving from Limassol, then in 7-9 km there will be a left exit to the B1 highway. On it to the left, somewhere in 800 m there will be an index and a turn to the monastery to the right. After driving under the high-speed line after another 800 m turn left - it's the road to the monastery, which will be after 1 km of the road.

Coordinates of car parking in front of the monastery: 34.720444 33.227618.

If we move from Larnaka, then we go to the left of the same sign - and this will immediately be the road to the monastery, until the parking is just 1, 3 km.