To read 2 feedbacks about the monastery of the Holy Virgin Kykkos
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Kykkos is one of the most famous monasteries in Cyprus. Perhaps the entire Orthodox world knows about this Christian monument. Kykkos was founded in 1080 on the northwestern part of the Troodos mountain range at an altitude of 1318 meters above sea level. Its name is Kykkos in honor of the mountain, on which it has been standing majestic for almost a thousand years. The history of the monastery is full of important events, but, unfortunately, many of them are sad.

So Kykkos was tested for strength by four fires, the last of which happened almost two centuries ago.
Kikkos Monastery

On the territory of the monastery is a real Orthodox treasure - painted by Saint Luke icon with the image of the Virgin Mary. It is interesting that the portrait of the Mother of God is hidden behind a silver canvas, because, according to the belief, if a person sees the face of the Virgin Mary, then it will go blind. Especially for tourists in the territory of Kykkos Monastery there is a museum, which houses various religious relics, miraculously preserved by the people in times of numerous fires and robberies.

Today we can see one of them in the monastery church. In the monastery of Kykkos, another shrine is stored - a belt that can heal women from infertility.

Tourists can visit the shop, which works on the territory of the monastery. In addition to souvenirs, you can buy liqueurs, prepared by the monks. This is the most famous monastery on the island. Everyone who comes to Cyprus wants to get here.

Mosaics, Monastery of the Holy Virgin of Kykkos, Cyprus Monastery of the Holy Virgin Kykkos
Mosaics of the Kykkos Monastery
Icon of the Virgin, Monastery of the Holy Virgin of Kykkos, Cyprus Monastery of the Holy Virgin Kykkos
Icon of the Virgin
Monastery of the Holy Virgin of Kykkos, Cyprus Monastery of the Holy Virgin Kykkos
Monastery of the Holy Virgin Kykkos
The courtyard of the monastery of the Holy Virgin of Kykkos, Cyprus Monastery of the Holy Virgin Kykkos
The courtyard of the monastery of the Holy Virgin Kykkos
Entrance to the Monastery of the Holy Virgin of Kykkos, Cyprus Monastery of the Holy Virgin Kykkos
Entrance to the monastery

Reviews of the monastery of the Holy Virgin of Kykkos (2)

Evaluation 1

Do not misinform people! February 17, 2015

was here in February 2015
Belt of the Blessed Virgin is not stored in Kikkos, but in the Monastery of Trooditissa! A writer who at all has a mess full of knowledge about the Cypriot monasteries, all in one heap!
Evaluation 8

Visiting the monastery Kykkos- and admiration, and disappointment 03 December 2013

was here in October 2012
An excursion to the monastery of Kykkos is probably the most popular in Cyprus. In general, the island is famous for its churches and ancient monasteries, but Kykkos, among them the most famous, rich and popular among tourists. It is located high in the mountains, the places are very beautiful. The road to the monastery goes through the Troodos mountain range. The mountains are low, but in winter even the snow lies, and you can ski. In addition to the monastery proper, the complex houses the grave of Makarius III, the archbishop, and then the first president ... Read the whole review
Monastery of the Holy Virgin Kykkos Monastery of the Holy Virgin Kykkos Monastery of the Holy Virgin Kykkos Monastery of the Holy Virgin Kykkos