Add a review about the Cyprus Archaeological Museum

The Cyprus Archaeological Museum is the oldest and largest archaeological museum of the island, not many can compete with it for the richness and diversity of the collection. Here, 14 halls are offered to the attention of visitors, in which the most valuable and rare archaeological finds are displayed. Since the island was inhabited since ancient times, unique artifacts are still there, so that its exposition constantly replenishes. The present building, which is located in the city of Nicosia, is becoming really small.

The Cyprus Archeological Museum was founded in 1882. Interestingly, the museum opened at the request of local residents during the occupation of the island by the British. And the delegation that submitted the petition to the administrative authorities of Cyprus included representatives of both Christians and Muslims. It should be noted that during the occupation of the island by the British, who were kindly "invited" by Turkey in awe of the Russian Empire, the smuggling of unique archaeological and historical values, as well as illegal excavations, blossomed in a magnificent color.

In this field, archaeologist Luigi Palma di Chesnola, he is also the ambassador of the United States of America. Mr. di Chesnola exported about 35 thousand valuable items, many of which were damaged during transportation and were irretrievably lost. And the surviving artifacts now adorn the collection of the New York Metropolitan Museum.
The Cyprus Archaeological Museum was founded in 1882. Interestingly, the museum opened at the request of local residents during the occupation of the island by the British.

The British administration allowed the opening of a museum that, at first, was kept exclusively for private donations, in the building of the state institution . In the late 80s of the 19th century the Cyprus Archeological Museum finally moved to its own building, to the historic part of the city, to Victoria Street . That building that we can see this day, was built in 1908 . The project of a new section of the museum was created by the architect G . Balanos, who represented the archaeological society of Athens, and the curator of the museum George Everett Jeffrey . supervised the construction. In the second half of the last century the meeting acquired another corps, which was opened for additional galleries and utility rooms .

Almost immediately after the opening of the museum, exhibits from all the numerous excavations that were taking place on the island began to arrive in its storerooms. A significant number of artifacts fell into the Cyprus Archaeological Museum in the period from 1927 to 1931.

In the museum today, according to the chronological order, there are 14 rooms . The inspection begins with exhibits that relate to the prehistoric age of the island's life . The last room will tell about Cyprus during the Roman Empire . In addition, in museum there are several galleries and a library . Currently, due to a lack of space for exhibits, many of them are being transferred to the regional museums . There is a pressing question about the long-awaited move to the new building . However, so far no significant progress in the solving problems s not observed . In any case, the visitor will be amazed at the scale of this unique and very interesting place .

Archaeological Museum in Nicosia

Address: Nicosia, Mousiou, 1.