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There are not just graves 2 to 2 meters - in the underground necropolis, each burial takes several hundred meters. The territory is fenced, and the entrance here is paid. Local residents began to bury their kings in this place in the 3rd century BC and were engaged in this business for 6 centuries in a row. True, not all the rulers got here.

You can see the whole territory in a couple of hours. Tombs are entangled with a network of passages and stairs. It is worth to look under your feet, so as not to get into the well. There are no cafes or snack bars nearby, so rest and meals are entirely on the shoulders of tourists.

All the tombs are an exact copy of the houses in which the kings lived. Some are built directly with colonnades, courtyards and sculptures. In the center of the whole complex is the square.

The most interesting things are hidden in the dungeon. Here you can find crosses, wall drawings, different images that the Christians left. They hid from the pursuers and drafted messages.

Unfortunately, to date, only two tombs remain unreported. The rest were ransacked by vandals. Looks like these shabby territories are so-so. What the local authorities were able to preserve was preserved. The rest hides somewhere in private collections or has been melted for a long time.

Such advice: in order not to get tired of the heat, it is better to begin to inspect the tomb early in the morning or after 5. In the season, the museum is open until 19:00. The cost of the visit is about 2-3 EUR.
Tombs of the Kings
 Tombs of the Kings, Paphos  Tombs of the Kings
Tombs of the Kings
 The survivor hall with columns, Tombs of the Kings, Paphos  Tombs of the Kings
The surviving hall with the columns, Tombs of the Kings
 The Ruins of the Tombs of the Kings, Paphos  Tombs of Kings
Ruins of Tombs of Kings