Add a review about the Museum of Design in Helsinki

In the last century the design has not yet been formalized as an independent branch of art. Meanwhile, the Design Museum in Helsinki - one of the oldest museums of its kind in the world - has already demonstrated a small collection of applied art objects to a wide audience. And now the museum does not lag behind the best creative platforms in Europe. Regularly, new art exhibitions, dedicated to contemporary art, history of design and new trends in the world of applied art, open at its walls.

The funds of the Design Museum in Helsinki are extremely rich: hundreds of thousands of unique drawings, photographs and drawings are kept in the walls of the institution, and in the archives museums have been registered by over a thousand designers from all over the world


The Museum of Design in Helsinki began to form in 1873, when the Finnish Craft Society acquired several hundred design items at the World Fair in Vienna. The acquired collection was introduced to students of the school of applied art and other connoisseurs of beautiful and useful gizmos.

After about a hundred years, the design museum, at last, became cramped in the old walls. The collection was transported to a modern building - a beautiful house designed by the famous architect Gustave Nyström. By the way, the building completely corresponds to the concept of the museum, and besides, it also serves as a fine decoration of the city.

Since the moment of moving near the museum, it was possible to run temporary exhibitions in parallel with the main exposition. The audience opened for lectures and creative events. On the lower floor, a small shop with its no less interesting collection was organized. In general, the Helsinki Design Museum has become a solid center of art and the most popular art area of ​​the country


The lower floor of the Design Museum is entirely devoted to the main exposition under the title "Finnish form". The exhibition is devoted directly to the applied art of Finland and reflects the brightest moments of its development. The exhibition halls are divided into categories: interior, furniture, utensils, accessories, etc. The funds of the design museum in Helsinki are extremely rich: hundreds of thousands of unique drawings, photographs and drawings are stored in the walls of the institution, and over 1,000 designers from around the world are registered in the museum archives .

On the upper floors of the museum there are temporary exhibitions devoted to modern trends in design. Often similar expositions familiarize visitors with the history of design of other countries or demonstrate fresh achievements in the field of applied art. Exhibitions are updated every month, and sometimes more often.

Live installation at the Helsinki Museum of Design

Practical information

The Design Museum is located right in the center of Helsinki in the immediate vicinity of the Museum of Architecture. The nearest public transport station - Johanneksen kirkko - is just a short walk from the museum. You can get here by tram No. 10 or by bus number 24.

Address: Korkeavuorenkatu, 23.

Tel .: +358 (9) 622-05-40.

Working hours: in summer - daily from 11:00 until 18:00, from September to May - from 11:00 to 20:00 on Tuesdays; from 13:00 to 18:00 from Wednesday to Sunday, on Monday, Monday.

Cost of entrance: for adults: 8 EUR, for pensioners: 7 EUR, for students: 3 EUR, for children free of charge.

All prices are quoted for 2014