Add a review about the Museum of Aeronautics in Kotka

At 16 km from the city of Kotka, in the wilds of the dense forest, in the huge green hangar on the territory of the Kymi airfield there are the exhibits of the Aeronautics Museum .All the planes presented here are not just museum exhibits, but working machines ready at any moment to soar into the sky .The staff of the museum carefully take care of their iron wards and keep them in working condition .In total, 15 aircraft are assembled in the hangar, among which there are truly rare examples, for example, three gliders such as Harakka, a light Fouga Magister attack aircraft, a tiny single helicopter, supersonic bombers MiG-21F and MiG-21BIS .Fliers will certainly appreciate the world's only Gloster Gauntlet fighter of the Second World War .He, like the rest of the exhibits, is still able to fly .

All the planes represented in the museum are not just exhibits, but working machines ready at any moment to soar into the sky.

From the history of the museum

The aeronautics museum of Kotka is financed by the flying club "Karhula", so one more name is known - the Aviamuse of the flying club "Karhula". The history of the museum began with the dream of the staff of the flying club to collect and save in one place historical aircraft. The first glider Harakka I was handed over to the flying club in 1959, but the official opening date of the museum is August 1992, when the Finnish Air Force gave the club a decommissioned Fouga Magister FM-43.

In 1995 a modern exhibition hangar with an area of ​​600 square meters was built for the museum. Right next to the museum, along the passing runway, small private airplanes take off. A monument to the pilots killed during World War II is also near.

By the way, the flying club "Karhula" is engaged not only in museum activities. Its official task is related to the objectives of the Finnish Air Force - to maintain and maintain the military airfield of the 34th Fighter Squadron.

After acquaintance with the exposition you can not hurry to leave, and stay for an hour or two to stroll around the surrounding area. The places here are very beautiful, and the atmosphere is peaceful: a fairy forest, no one around, and graceful silence is broken only by the melodic chirping of birds.

Museum of aeronautics

Helpful information

Address: Kymi, Lentokentantie, 234.

Phone: +358 (0) 405-28-12-76.


Coordinates: 60.5750, 26.8977.

The easiest way to get to the museum on a personal car, and the determining factor in the way will be the availability of a navigator and knowledge of the coordinates. At the entrance you should orient yourself to a large playground for motorcycle races: if you stop facing her, the airfield will be in the depths of the forest behind the road. The museum is located on the territory of the airfield in a large metal hangar green.

Opening hours: Monday - Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00 (May - September), at the rest of the time - by appointment.

Admission is free for all categories of visitors, but donations for the development of the museum are welcome.

Do not miss it: in several planes there is access to the cockpit of the pilot, you can not just get there, but also click on the levers, turn the handles - a fun attraction for the kids.