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Bollywood - eight letters that have become sacred to all fans of Indian cinema. However, it should immediately be clarified that Bollywood (the habitat of the city of Bombay) - only a part of the giant called "the film industry of India." Of the 1000 tapes that are produced in the country during the year, only slightly more than 200 account for this production center. The other two major film industries are Tollywood, which produces films in the Telugu language, and Kollywood with their films in Tamil.

The name "Bollywood" consisted of two words - the city of Bombay and the American Hollywood, which became the prototype of its Indian counterpart.

Not so long ago, Indian cinema and Bollywood in particular celebrated its centenary. And here's how the story of glorious films with singing, dancing and looking for their brothers on the moles of heroes began - it's worth to learn more.

The first full-length film in India came out on big screens on May 3, 1913, was, of course, a black and white film called "Raja Harishchandra" .Even less interesting is the plot of this film, telling about a just ruler that never lied, how many scenes where the wife of the protagonist Taramati and her maid are in the pool in wet tight-fitting saris .Even to date, these shots are considered sensational, but it should be noted right away - in that scene the make-up men were removed .Needless to say, after such piquancy, Indian cinema began to gain momentum? Although the director of the film, who shot 95 "full-lengths" in his entire life, died in poverty .

Another funny fact about kissing. This now innocent cheek on the cheek causes condemnation of the whole society and the envious sighs of the black-eyed Indian beauties, and in the 30s of the 20th century the kisses lasted four minutes each.

Another funny fact concerns kissing .This now innocent cheek on the cheek causes condemnation of the whole society and the envious sighs of the black-eyed Indian beauties, and in the 30s of the 20th century the kisses lasted four minutes .How this succeeded the actor, still remains a riddle .Separately it is worth talking about the very singing and dancing that attracted from the TV screens of all Soviet women without exception: .It turns out that similar to the opera and the sound of ultrasound at the same time songs appeared in Indian cinema around the 1930s, and immediately won the hearts of the audience .Today in Bollywood movies, there are five to nine songs, although it seems that incomparably more .And their sense, like the dancing, is one - to convey the whole range of feelings, beginning from hatred and ending with the euphoria of love .And, of course, as a bundle in the story .But do not treat such choreographic sketches with a high .The Bollywood dances inspired not just one European director, in particular the director of "Moulin Rouge" Baz Luhrmann .

Today, among the Russian viewers the most popular was and remains the film "Slumdog Millionaire", although its budget can not be compared with Tamil-speaking "Robot" worth 35 million USD. But enough already dull details from the history and glorious real Indian cinema, how to visit this region of singing and dancing dark-haired handsome men and figure skaters? Simple enough.

How to visit Bollywood

Since 2011, Bollywood pavilions are open to tourists, you can get there during an ordinary excursion, which includes even a visit to the set. To get acquainted with the life of the heroes of your favorite movie on the other side of the screen became just one or two or three. Time: you come to the agency and buy an excursion (the cost is about 135 USD). Two: charging the camera and tuning in the right way you go after the guide. And three - you are already in place, among the scenery and soffits, make-up artists and extras walk around Bollywood.

Even steeper is to participate in the extras .It turns out that this too is real .The large Film City set includes pavilions of many famous Indian film studios .Excursions are also held here, but it is much more interesting to get here as an extras .All you need to do is to come in the evening to the Kolaba area at the Leopold`s Café or at the Red Shield Salvation Army Guesthouse .Here, tourists are constantly offered a walk to the film studio, including shooting in the mass meeting .The only nuance is - do not rush indiscriminately for all the proposals in a row, but ask the agent for a business card and ask about the picture to which you are invited to "shoot" .And also keep in mind that the shooting day, as a rule, lasts about 11 hours, albeit with a short break for lunch .Just so go away from the site is unlikely to work (well, only under the abuse of the agent except that) .But in addition to the pleasure of seeing directors, directors and, if you are lucky, the stars of Indian cinema, there is a chance to enrich themselves by 500 rupees .Approximately so much and pay participants of such films-battles .


Address: Film City, M.A. H Film Stage Industrial Corporation, Near Aarey Colony, S.V. Road, Goregaon East, Mumbai-400063.

Bollywood bus, Mumbai Bollywood
Bollywood bus
Graffiti in Bollywood, Mumbai Bollywood
Graffiti in Bollywood
Movie posters, Bollywood, Mumbai Bollywood
Movie posters, Bollywood
Filming in Bollywood, Mumbai Bollywood
Filming in Bollywood