How to get to Ekaterinburg from Goa?

Responses information department of "Tourism Thinness"
There are two options how to get from Ekaterinburg to Goa: either with a transfer in Moscow, or a charter flight directly. Naturally, the flight with a transfer will take longer, as waiting for departure from the transplant site can reach 20-25 hours. The cost of such a flight is from 25,000 to 50,000 rubles (depending on the airline, route and class of seats). Flights are available all day long

Taking advantage of the charter, you will fly faster, the flight will take only 7-8 hours. Most often the flight takes place at night, since the departure time is somewhere around 5-6 pm. In particular, the airline Utair offers tickets from 23,000 rubles. A children's ticket without a seat will cost about 3000 rubles

Responsible Ulyana Pavlova, Labyrinth
Yekaterinburg to Goa can be reached by charter airlines "Kuban"

September 27, 2012

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