Tours to Israel in May
Flight to Israel - as a gift!
On the most popular tours: Beach Eilat - 629 USD • Acquaintance with Israel - 549 USD • Recovery on the Dead Sea - 866 USD • Travel on 3 seas 10n - 665 USD.
Number of tickets is limited!
Israeli tour operator with Israeli license.
(495) 668-08-41, (812) 336-42-41 •
 Tours to Israel in May
Israeli tour operator
Classic Israel from 774 USD
Eilat. Affectionate beach from 500 USD - flight included!
Israel + Jordan from 751 USD
SPA tours to the Dead Sea from 561 USD
(495) 204-19-12, (812) 429-71-52 •
 Tours to Israel in May
Israeli tour operator Shalom Israel Travel
All Israeli beauties for 8 days from 543 USD
Hot Eilat and Jerusalim from 924 USD - flight included!
Israel and Jordan from 751 USD
Rest on the Dead Sea in the Spa Hotel from 596 USD
(495) 204-10-79, (812) 425-01-72 • shalom-travel .ru
 Tours to Israel in May
Best offers from the Israeli tour operator
Additional discounts for children and pensioners
Magic trip to Israel - from 675 USD.
Eilat - the sun all year round - from 490 USD. (including air travel)
Relax at the Dead Sea - from 546 USD.
Christian sacred places of Israel and Jordan - from 720 USD.
(495) 204-27-75, (812) 424-43-52 •
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In many Mediterranean countries, the arrival of May marks the opening of the holiday season . Usually by this time the weather-friendly weather is forming: the rains are running out, the water in the seas is warming, and the clear sun is becoming true . True, in some areas of Israel the summer does not end at all . But in May can be expected on good weather throughout the country . The hottest weather keeps on the Red Sea - up to +35 ° C . As the temperature of the opus sits to +25 ° C . Water in the seas is warming up to +21 ... + 24 ° C . By the way, in May, the warmest water in the Dead Sea is +31 ° C .

At the cost of the May holiday in Israel costs a little more than in previous months. The packages cost about $ 1,500.

Predominantly tours to Israel in May are focused on resort rest. Famous resort areas - Eilat and Tel Aviv - the most popular destinations of the season. These cities are remarkable for the developed entertainment infrastructure. There is always something to do there, enough time. Not less success is enjoyed and sightseeing tours to Israel. Already something, and there are enough sights in the country, and interest to them is unlikely to ever drop. If you want, you can rent a car. Such a pleasure will cost 130 USD per week.

The Independence Day of Israel falls on May. In large cities of the country, military marches, theater performances, and fireworks are held. Tourists can visit military bases, access to which is only opened on the occasion of the holiday.

At a cost, the May holiday is a bit more expensive than in the previous months. The tour costs about 1,500 USD. At the same time, the dynamics of prices within the month also changes: a more expensive period is the first week of May.

Prices are for the season 2014