Add a review about the Karaganda Ecological Museum

Karaganda Ecological Museum (ECOMUSE) was established in 1995 . - today it is the only museum of its kind in the territory of not only Kazakhstan, but all of the CIS . The creators of the museum, anxious a complex ecological situation in the country, pursued noble goals: to develop and preserve ecological culture; disseminate information on the state of natural resources on the territory of the republic, inform the public about possible problems related to the environment and much more; attract people to participate in environmental activities .

Karaganda Ecological Museum conducts active research activities, including those dedicated to the environmental problems of the Baikonur cosmodrome, the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, the Sary-Shagan military anti-missile test site, etc.

Karaganda Ecological Museum presents a membership organization that also attracts volunteers who take part in various conservation and environmental activities. At the museum the Tourist Information Center was created, which dedicated its work to the organization of various excursion programs in Kazakhstan. Here everyone will be informed about the sights of the city and the country, will tell you about interesting routes and will help to find places where you can stop.

The museum staff conducts active research activity, organizes scientific expeditions. The main objects of research at the moment are the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, the Baikonur cosmodrome, the Sary-Shagan military missile test site and the nearest populated areas that fall under their influence. ECOMusey took part in the process of analyzing the crash of the Russian Proton rocket

The staff of the museum for the first time in Central Kazakhstan introduced Biogas technology and formed the Biogas Center, which provides training for agricultural workers in the construction of biogas plants.

Exposition of the Karaganda Ecological of the museum There are 14 expositions on the ecology subject in total in ECOMUSE. In addition, the museum organized more than a hundred temporary exhibitions in Kazakhstan and abroad.

So in the collection of ECOMUSE there is a huge number of exhibits collected throughout Kazakhstan . Among them there are even fragments of aircraft and missiles, production and military equipment of Soviet and post-Soviet times . The museum's exposition tells a lot of interesting information about the country's minerals, the stages of their extraction and processing, points to the problems of the Baikonur cosmodrome associated with the fall of the missiles . The museum widely covers the history of Sem Ipalatinsk nuclear test site, the tests that took place there, and how they still affect the environment .

Address: 47, Bukhar-Zhyrau avenue, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Phones: (7212) 41-33-44, 50-45-61, 50-45-62

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