Add a review about the mausoleum of Khodja Ahmed Yasavi

In Kazakhstan, whose history dates back to the ancient past, many cultural monuments and even whole cities have survived, many centuries old. One of such unique and remarkable artifacts is the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmet Yasavi located in the ancient city of Turkestan

The mausoleum of Khoja Ahmet Yasawi was started to erect by the order of Tamerlane in honor of the well-known in the East Sufi poet and preacher in the year of victory over Khan Tokhtamysh, the ruler of the Golden Horde .

The city of Turkestan, formerly known as Yassi, was one of the nodes of the Great Silk Road that connected it to the Dashtikpatcha steppe. Through these places were caravans from China, Persia, Byzantium, laden with the finest porcelain, beautiful fabrics, jewelry and other goods. It was here that the wonderful Khoja Ahmed Yasawi lived, whose poems brought people thoughts about good and honor, poems that the people learned by heart and transmitted along the chain far beyond Dashtikpatch.

Construction of the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmet Yasavi

Construction of the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmet Yasavi was conducted in the period from 1385 to 1405, and the architectural monument was erected at the behest of the Emir Timur (Tamerlane) in honor of the well-known in the East Sufi (ancient Turkic) poet and preacher Akhmet Yasavi on the site where previously there was his modest overhead an upholstery. The construction of the new mausoleum in place of the old and dilapidated Tamerlane celebrated its victory over Khan Tokhtamysh, the ruler of the Golden Horde.

The erection of the mausoleum on the grave of an authoritative Muslim man is a competent political step: thereby strengthening Tamerlane's authority among nomadic peoples. It is believed that she herself took a direct part in drafting the mausoleum and its decoration. During the construction of the mausoleum, innovative architectural solutions were used, later used for the construction of Samarkand, the capital of the empire.

For two decades an impressive size complex has grown up on this territory, combining the functions of a mausoleum, a mosque, a khanaka and administrative and economic premises destination. Nearby, the construction of the Sufi monastery, the followers of Yasawi, was also started, but Tamerlane's death stopped the construction.

At the time of the Kazakh Khanate, the building of Khoja Ahmet Yasawi mausoleum and the surrounding buildings were the residence of Kazakh khans. The mausoleum is surrounded by a strong wall, a rampart and a mound that served to protect the complex, giving it the status of a fortress.

The construction of the mausoleum of Khodja Ahmet Yasavi

The Khoja Ahmed Yasawi memorial complex is a giant rectangular building (46, 5 x 65, 5 m), decorated with portals and domes, one of which is the largest brick dome in Central Asia (its height is 44 m, diameter 22 m). This is all the more important since the dome has long been considered a symbol of unity and hospitality by Muslims

Thick stone walls keep a pleasant coolness - the outer walls of the mausoleum are almost 2 m thick, the walls of the central hall are 3 m. In the interlacing corridors, visitors' steps, trellised windows soften sunlight, immerse the rooms in a mysterious twilight - all this enchants every guest, allows you to plunge into a special magical atmosphere.

Yasavi Mausoleum in Turkestan

Inside the mausoleum there are thirty-six different com nat and halls. First of all, this is the most beautiful central hall, the walls of which are covered with blue tiles - there is a huge cauldron made of a seven metal alloy with a diameter of 2, 45 m and weighing about two tons, which used to serve people after Friday prayers. There is also an impressive bronze lamp of 1397, a gift from Tamerlane to the mausoleum.

Also there is the tomb of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, whose door is decorated with carvings on ivory and wood; Khoja Ahmed Yasawi's cell; The Grand Palace with a khan's throne and a scepter; Small Palace, where the pantheon of Kazakh khans (43 tombstones) is located; The small mosque is the main place of prayer; library, as well as auxiliary extensions - a sauna with steam rooms, a well and a dining room, where old stoves, a kettle, wooden utensils were preserved, from which pilgrims and other ancient objects of everyday life used to eat.

The area around the mausoleum belongs to the territory of the historical and cultural museum- reserve "Azret-sultan". This mausoleum is a work of art of medieval architecture, for which not so long ago was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

How to get

The mausoleum is the most important tourist attraction in Turkestan, which can easily be reached by bus or minibus - you do not even need to know the stop, it's enough to name the final point of the trip.

You can directly get to Turkestan directly by train (including Moscow - Astana), or to fly to the nearest large transport hub - Shymkent. From Almaty or Astana to Shymkent, you can fly by plane, and the remaining 180 km to overcome by bus or taxi in about 3 hours.