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Beautiful and majestic monument "Astana-Baiterek", whose name translates from "Kazakh" as "poplar", rises above Astana like an amazing futuristic tree. Made of metal, glass and concrete, with a long trunk crowned with a thick spherical crown made of glass, Baiterek shimmers in sunlight in different colors.

Everything is beautiful and symbolic: the height is 97 m (with a ball - 105 m ), and the golden sun in the crown, and the inner filling - the monument is divided into three zones, embodying the three foundations of the universe.

Nursultan Nazarbayev once said that a man who climbed to the top of Baiterek gets an amazing opportunity to soak up the spirit of the Kazakh steppes.

History of the creation of the monument

Id As for many other remarkable constructions of the country, Baiterek owes its president, Nursultan Nazarbayev, to the President of Kazakhstan, who sketched his plan on a paper napkin that is still carefully preserved in the collection of the Museum of the First President.

"Astana-Baiterek" is a metal The structure is 105 m high and weighs over 1,000 tons, which costs 500 piles. The crown design of a ball with a diameter of 22 m and a weight of 300 tons is made of glass "chameleon", changing color depending on sunlight.

The idea of ​​its "Astana-Baiterek" is due to the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, who sketched his plan on a paper napkin.

The author of the project is the famous English architect Norman Foster. The construction project was led by architects B. Islamov and A. Rustembekov. Together with a team of talented designers, engineers and designers from 1996 to 2002, in the center of Astana they erected a huge and beautiful building that became a symbol of not only the city, but all of Kazakhstan.

In 2002, the monument "Astana-Baiterek" was awarded the Grand Prix award following the competition held by the International Association of the Union of Architects MASA) of the CIS countries

Meaning "Astana-Baiterek"

In addition to its visual symbolism, Baiterek is conceived and embodied with a special meaning and philosophical meaning. According to the legends of the ancient nomads, the Ishim River symbolizes the World River, and on its left bank stands the Tree of Life, the role of which is performed by Baiterek.

According to the idea of ​​the Tree of Life embodying the Universe, Astana-Baiterek is divided into three zone. At the lower, underground level there is a café, aquariums and an exhibition gallery, where the pictures of the famous painter Erbolat Tolepbai are presented

The middle level, called the earthly one, is the tower itself, inside which there are high-speed elevators that raise the monument to the level of heaven - inside the glass ball, and a large panoramic hall, allowing you to see the capital as in the palm of your hand, in the prime of its youth and beauty.

In addition to the fact that the majestic "Astana-Baiterek" is recognized as an architectural monument, it embodies the g a state that values ​​the past, frozen in its roots, the present, which is a strong support, and the future to which Kazakhstan is firmly and confidently.

Recreation and entertainment

Astana-Baiterek Monument is very popular among tourists, everyone day taking a lot of guests. The developed infrastructure, cafe-bars, souvenir shop, polite staff - everything is at the service of the monument visitors, along with the unique atmosphere and stunning panoramic views of the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Astana Baiterek light show

Inside the building "Astana-Baiterek" it is possible listen to the review program in Kazakh, Russian and other languages. Also, various ceremonies and cultural events are often held here

How to get here

Address: Astana, Left Bank of the Ishim River, Vodno-green Boulevard, 1

Contact telephones: 7 (7172) 240835, 7 (7172) ) 241688

Coordinates: 51 ° 7'41 "N 71 ° 25'49" E (route to the airport)

You can get to the monument by shuttle buses No. 110, 116, 117, 118 and buses No. 10, 12, 18, 21, 27, 28, 35.