Add a review about the Koktobe television tower

Not reaching the top of the Kok-Tobe mountain, in the south-eastern part of the city of Alma-Ata, the television and broadcasting tower "Koktobe" stands leaning against the sky. The height of the tower is 371 meters above the ground and almost 1, 5 thousand meters above sea level, which makes it one of the highest television towers in the whole world.

Architects N . Terziyev, A . above the project of the tower "Koktobe" @@ Savchenko and N . Akimov . At the base of the tower there is a three-storey foundation made of reinforced concrete, the tower itself is divided into two parts: a metal paneled aluminum trunk and an antenna 124 m high . inside a wide trunk with a base diameter of 18, 5 m, there are two observation platforms, to which two flights run ft, capable of withstanding a weight of one thousand kg each . The tower was built between 1975 and 1983 ., and its opening took place on June 1, 1983 .

The height of the tower "Koktobe" is 371 m above and almost 1, 5 thousand meters above sea level, making it one of the highest television towers in the whole world.

In October 1984, a fire broke out on the tower, the reason of which was the miscalculation of the distribution of the radio emission power. Now the television tower Koktobe is closed to tourists, however, at the meeting of the town-planning council of Alma-Ata in early July 2013 it was decided to build a cultural and entertainment center with two viewing platforms, a restaurant, a cinema and a hotel by building a wide frame around the building.

As part of the preparations for the opening of the international exhibition EXPO-2017, it is also planned to build a new cable car that will stretch from the city to the very foundation of the television tower and the installation of a new modern elevator. After the reconstruction and modernization of Koktobe are completed, the tower is planned to be opened for visits.

Koktobe TV Tower

Considered as one of the most earthquake resistant structures in the world, the Koktobe tower has already withstood earthquakes. When a strong wind blows, the top of the TV tower swings, and those who are inside feel these oscillations very clearly. However, special technologies used in the construction of the tower reliably protect the tower from falling. Near the tower there is a beautiful apple orchard, which besides fulfilling its main purpose to strengthen the roots of the ground, also serves as a beautiful fragrant adornment of the terrain.

Despite the fact that the Koktebe TV tower is still closed for visits, even now it is of great importance for Alma-Ata, standing out against its background with its piercing and graceful beauty. When darkness descends on city streets, Koktobe shines brightly and symbolically in the light of powerful searchlights that allow you to see it from any part of the city.

How to get there

The center of Almaty and Kok-Tobe mountain is connected by a cable car, the starting the point of which is the station on Dostyk Avenue (corner of Abay Street), right behind the cinema "Arman". The journey time is about 6 minutes, for which you will cover the distance in 1727 m. After the reconstruction, the cable car, commissioned in November 1967, meets all world standards of quality and safety. The mode of its operation is from 11:00 to 24:00. The fare: 1000 KZT one way, children up to 7 years are free.

In addition, up to the foot of Kok-Tobe mountain can be reached by city buses 95 and 99. The fare is 300 KZT one way, 500 - round trip .

Those who make their own way pay 100 KZT for entrance.

Official website: http: //

Tel .: 320-12-01, 320-13-01, 16.