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Dzintari Concert Hall is a complex that is popular both in Latvia and abroad. After all, most concerts in the country take place here. If you watched the humor festival in Jurmala, you probably know this concert hall.

Initially, "Dzintari" was conceived as a beach cinema, and its history began in 1879 when the first theatrical stage was erected here.

The first years of " Concert Garden of the Kurhaus Edinburgh "- as the concert hall used to be called - was filled mostly with light music. It was an operetta, a variety show and other musical directions. There were even circus performances among all this musical variety. But this went on until 1910, when symphony orchestra began to be invited from Germany to conduct concerts, and famous artists from Russia.

Concert Hall

And since 1911 the site has been breaking records in popularity: the Edinburgh Symphony Theater, The Mariinsky Theater and even the Warsaw Philharmonic, and the opera stars regularly come. This continues until the fateful year 1914, when the First World War begins.

Since 1914, there was not a single concert in Jurmala, and so, until 1920, the scene was silent. But already in the same year the orchestra of the National Opera of Latvia appears, and the former grandeur returns to the concert site.

Since 1931, the orchestras under the leadership of famous conductors began performing here. But there it was, already in 1935, frequent rains forced to temporarily stop the performances. And then it becomes necessary to give concerts a little differently - in a closed concert hall. Now there are two of them: one open and the other closed. The popularity of the hall reached the point where 30,000 people were present at some speeches.

And again the story of the war is repeating: the concert hall "Dzintari" closes in the Second World War. But not for long: already in 1959 they are making a new roof, and the concerts are continuing.

And then the concert hall "Dzintari" becomes the most popular venue. In the times of the Soviet Union, it has reached its peak and is gaining fame as one of the most modern. Alla Pugacheva, Leonid Kogan, Laima Vaikule, Arkady Raikin and many others performed on it.

But in most cases the concert hall "Dzintari" is known for its song contest, and because of it the name of the city is Jurmala - on hearing of all.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, bad times have come for the concert hall "Dzintari", but gradually this venue was used from May to September for KVN and concerts.

 Dzintari Concert Hall, Jurmala  Dzintari Concert Hall