Juodkrante, a small Lithuanian village with a population of only 900 people, is remarkable for being located on the unique sandy Curonian Spit between the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Lagoon. The length of the village is only two kilometers. Nevertheless, on this small piece of land one of the most picturesque corners of the world is located, in the fresh air of which there is peace and tranquility

How to get there

If you decide to visit Juodkrante, you have three ways: to go there by train , a car or an airplane. Fans of rail travel need to take a ticket for the train Moscow-Vilnius, and then change to a bus next to Juodkrante via the ferry in Klaipeda. The airplane is even simpler: there are flights to Vilnius from the Lithuanian Airlines and from Aeroflot. From the airport you can get to the place on the shuttle bus.

The paragraph of history

The first mentions of the Curonian Spit refer to 1429, from about the same time the first information about Juodkrante, which was originally called Schwarzort, came to us. Once it was a poor little village for 15 families, whose inhabitants throughout history have struggled with natural conditions. Due to its unusual location (on the sandy ridge), this place suffered from sandstorms. At the beginning of the 17th century, Schwarzort was even almost buried under a layer of sand.

However, at the end of the 17th century the village regained its life: fishermen began actively populating it. In the middle of the 19th century, amber was discovered in Juodkrante, after which its intensive mining began. Local residents began to work on the extraction of amber, and the overall standard of living has significantly increased. The name Juodkrante comes from the Lithuanian Juodkrantė - "black shore."

Juodkrante Hotels

There are several nice hotels in Juodkrante. Hotel "Zholinas", for example, is only 50 meters from the bay and one and a half kilometers from the sea. This is a small cozy hotel with 90 rooms with all amenities. Hotel Flora is another worthy place. The numbers here are even less, only 17. But a hundred meters to the bay, a wonderful view and almost a home atmosphere is available. There are also hotels "Mountain of Witches" and "Kurinas."

Book popular Juodkrante hotels at the best prices

Gedimino Apartamentai from 6 203 RUR Juodkrantė L.Rėzos 52-1, Juodkrantė
Vila Flora from 2 826 rubles Juodkrantė Kalno g. 7A Kurenas from 4,136 rubles Juodkrantė L. Rezos g. 10

Entertainment, excursions and attractions Juodkrante

Park of stone sculptures

Since 1995 the exposition of sculptures "Earth and Water" has been exhibited on the embankment. In two years, in 1997, the exposition stretched for 800 meters. Among the works of the exhibition you can find "Traps" Alishankos, "Cloud - shore" Danilevichius, "Traveler" and "Catamaran" Gilhespy, "Three forms of water" Yurashkos and excellent works of other Lithuanian sculptors. For lovers of photography this place will surely have to taste.

Witch Mountain

In the old days here was celebrated Jonines - the analogue of the Russian holiday "Ivan Kupala". The locals rolled down the barrel with burning tar from the mountain. Here such they had a strange tradition. The Witch Mountain is adorned with a park of sculptures made of wood. Interestingly, each sculpture illustrates the characters of Lithuanian folk art: witches, devils and others. The park was founded in 1979 and today it has 65 wooden sculptures

Sunny Beach Juodkrante

Evangelical-Lutheran Church

Evangelical-Lutheran Church is located along Ludwikas Reza Street (by the way, the famous Lithuanian poet and Protestant pastor ). The temple was built in 1885. After World War II, this holy place, like many others around the world, has become a warehouse. However, in the early eighties of the twentieth century it was restored and again began to conduct services. The church is a very beautiful building, decorated with stained-glass windows, one of the brightest examples of Lithuanian architecture of the late nineteenth century.

Sightseeing site on Mount Seryki Tsapel

The most beautiful place! The mountain is located in the Sasnyu Nature Reserve. Here you can walk and admire the pine forest, some trees which have been standing for more than 230 years. It's an amazing sight: two centuries of bloody wars, revolutions, genocides and other terrible events have passed, and these pines were standing calmly and carefree here, only occasionally swaying in the wind, they stand. On the old pine trees there are huge colonies of cormorants and gray herons. From the observation platform, you can enjoy stunning views of the plains of Cape Avikalnio and the gray dunes.

The exploratory trail in Nagliu Nature Reserve

The stunning natural reserve Nagliu extends over an area of ​​1680 hectares. There is a reserve between Juodkrante and the fishing village of Pervalka. Walking along the walking trail, you can enjoy local views and take a few photos

Lipa Grekines

Here grew a giant linden, called a linden of vice (sins). For the years of its existence, it has acquired many legends and secrets. It is said that here people were judged, who had renounced the laws of morality, and even earlier they sacrificed sacrifices to the pagan gods. In 1939, the lime tree was cut down, but the mysterious aura of this place still stirs the minds of tourists. Photo Juodkrante (13)