Add a review of the National Museum of Lithuania

The National Museum of Lithuania is the largest repository of the national cultural heritage of the country. At the same time, the museum is the oldest museum in Lithuania, originating from the Museum of Antiquities, founded in 1855 on the initiative of Count Eustace Tyszkiewicz. The main expositions of the museum are located in the historical center of Vilnius in the Vilnius Castle.

The National Museum hosts more than 250 thousand people each year. To better acquaint people with the history of the Lithuanian people, "Thursday evenings" are held here.

The National Museum of Lithuania is located on the territory of the State Reserve, near the Neris River, in the center of the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius . The museum contains information on all cultural trends country for centuries . There are more than one million exhibits, the number of which is constantly increasing . The museum has several departments: numismatics, ethnic culture, iconography, archeology of the Middle Ages and time, the history of the newest time . Also, it periodically hosts virtual and temporary thematic exhibitions, for example, a documentary photo "The Chronicle of Revival in 1987-1991" or exhibitions timed to the famous Lithuanians .

The museum has a restoration center . Every year the National Museum hosts more than 250 thousand people. To better acquaint people with the history of the Lithuanian people, "Thursday evenings" are held here

National Museum

Useful Information

The museum is open daily except Monday from May to October, and from October to April - except Monday and Tuesday. Opening hours from 10:00 to 17:00, entrance fee is 5 LTL.

Address: Vilnius, Arsenalo, 1.