Like many other European capitals, Vilnius hosts many guests for the New Year. After all, celebrating holidays in another country is always interesting and unusual, and the Baltic countries have long been close and attractive for Russian tourists by the lack of a language barrier on the one hand (the legacy of the Soviet past allows you to explain in Russian almost everywhere) and truly European service on the other.

Decoration of the city

In the New Year's days, the main streets of Vilnius sparkle with a multitude of lights: buildings and trees are decorated with festive lanterns, garlands flaunt over the roads. Especially good are the old streets: cozy and on ordinary days, now they are fascinated by bright lights and festive Christmas trees near shops and cafes.

Surprises await residents and guests on the main squares of the city. The main tree of the city is traditionally established on the Cathedral Square. Since the tree is considered to be the main symbol of the New Year, the attitude to its decoration is special: it is decorated with flashlights, light bulbs, balls, sewn toys and garlands.

Opening of the New Year tree is a real holiday in Vilnius! It is accompanied by fireworks, congratulations of the "local" Lithuanian Santa Claus and a concert of Christmas Psalms. Therefore, being in Lithuania, be sure to admire this beautiful festive tree!

Sometimes in the Cathedral Square make a special surprise for the children: they let the children's train on rails, the route of which passes through the tree (artificial, of course). If you have a rest with your child, he will definitely like it! Although it is also interesting to look at happy kids entering and leaving the festive Christmas tree.

New Year

The standard option for a New Year's holiday in Vilnius is a check in for 3 days and 2 nights. Of course, those who wish can prolong their rest up to 5 days and even up to a week.

The first day - December 31 - arrival, city tour and hotel accommodation. For those arriving by bus, the tour is usually carried out on the way, even before settling.

New Year's Eve in Vilnius

In the evening - a festive dinner in the restaurant or concert hall of the hotel. Usually the program is very busy, you will not be bored, and the night will fly by unnoticed. Variants of entertainment can include: performance of local stars or participants of the Lithuanian "Minute of Glory", contests, live music, performances by dancers, clowns, sometimes the guest offers a caricaturist. The holiday lasts until the morning.

If you want to celebrate the New Year in a special way, you can limit yourself to a festive evening dinner at the hotel or even refuse it altogether. Meet the New Year in a club, a casual cozy cafe, in the open air or in a hotel room - why not?

Recreation in the city

You will be very lucky if you get to Vilnius in the days of snowfall. Priporozhenny snow, the city is particularly good and cozy! Like trees adorned with snow, the roofs of houses and streets, lit by festive illumination, look just magical! The main attraction of the capital is the Old Town: Vilnius started from it. Cathedrals, churches, old houses perfectly reflect the history of the city. Interlacing architectural styles adds a special charm to the Old City.

St. Stanislaus Cathedral (XV century), the Church of St. Anne (16th century), Gedimin's Tower (XV century), St. Nicholas Church (XVI century), Bernardine Church (16th century) - this is just a small list of the sights of the city. In addition to the ancient cathedrals and churches, which are quite numerous in Vilnius, it attracts the very structure of the city, interesting architecture of buildings, cozy streets, along which it is pleasant to stroll. In other words, there is something to see in Vilnius!

By the way, there are several options for getting to know the city .The first is a guided tour offered by your tour operator .In this case, the Russian-speaking guide will tell about the history of Vilnius, its creation and development, the most interesting and significant places and events .Some tourists prefer to study a new place on their own using maps, a guidebook, stories of friends and their own intuition .This option is perfect for experienced travelers who are well prepared for the trip and are well aware of what they are waiting for .And inexperienced tourists have a risk of getting lost .The third option, which is often used in Lithuania, is a private guide .Such services are not cheap, but prices are still very different from European .The guide spends a certain amount of time with vacationers, during which he shows the city and tells the most important information .Many guides have their own transport .The services of an individual guide are paid most often by the hour .
A fragment of the part of the Gediminas castle structure New Year in Vilnius
Snow in Vilnius
Christmas square in Vilnius New Year in Vilnius
Shine Christmas tree!