Add a review about the Vilnius State Art Museum

The Art Museum of Vilnius, founded in 1933, is the largest national institution in which works of historical and cultural value are kept. The museum features works by Lithuanian and foreign artists, including works of fine and applied art. The Vilnius State Art Museum has several branches: the Vilnius Picture Gallery, the Museum of Applied Arts, the Clock Museum, the Museum of Miniature Arts and the Pranas Domšaitis Art Gallery.

Museum of Applied Arts

The exposition of the museum consists of items purchased or donated, in order to decorate the interior of the Palace of the Rulers, which is currently being restored. These are ancient artifacts of great artistic value.

In the exposition of the museum, located in the basement, you can see part of the city wall of the 12-14 centuries, part of the pavement made of wood, part of the masonry. The first exposition of applied art was opened in 1987 in the renovated part of the building, and it became a branch of the Lithuanian Art Museum.

In the exposition located on the first floor you can see products of Lithuanian and foreign applied art of the beginning of the 14th century and until 1945. Among the exhibits are wicker belts, book covers, candlesticks, embroidered robes, tombs and crayfish created by goldsmiths. And also - enamel plates, tapestries from Brussels, Czech glass, furniture from Gdansk, porcelain from Meissen, Sevres and Vienna, ceramics, things from amber and metal, textiles.

Museum address: Vilnius, Arsenalo, 3A.

Working hours: Tuesday - Saturday from 11:00 to 17:00, Sunday from 12:00 to 16:00.

Vilnius Picture Gallery

Museum funds are replenished with private collections and works by Lithuanian artists living abroad. The museum exhibits a large-scale collection of art and folk art from Lithuania and from abroad. The works of contemporary foreign and Lithuanian artists are widely represented.

From the exhibits of the Vilnius Picture Gallery one can learn the history of the development of sculpture, painting and graphics in Lithuania from the 16th century up to the present day. The gallery often hosts concerts and organizes temporary exhibitions. There are also preserved fragments of the interior of the palace.

Address: Vilnius, Didzioji, 4.

Working hours: Tuesday - Saturday from 12:00 to 18:00, Sunday from 12:00 to 17:00.

Museum hours

Here you can see the original clock of the 16th and 17th centuries, including the subject of his special pride: a silver watch made in the 16th century. Recalling the shape of the building and the tower, they carry the characteristic features of the Renaissance.

Baroque watches are shown in another room. There you can see the creations of the wonderful English masters Erdli Norton and William Rast. Then followed by a clock in the style of rococo, classicism and Empire style, eclecticism, and the exposition ends with modern watches made in the late 19th - early 20th century. Among the latter - wall and table watches of mass production of German companies Gustav Becker and Junghans.

Near the museum, there is a fragment of the park of the 19th century. In the closed courtyard of the park there are equatorial sundials. Summer in the park you can see spectacular, colorful and fragrant "flower clock". In the tower of the old post operates a bell carillon: on weekends and holidays there are concerts of bell music.

Address: Klaipeda, Liepy, 12.

Working hours: Tuesday - Saturday from 12:00 to 18:00 from March to October, from 11:00 to 17:00 from November to February.

Museum of Miniature Arts

The Museum of Miniatures was housed in the building of the Lutheran Church in Juodkrante until 1989. Then it was closed, as the building was returned to the faithful. The museum was opened anew only in 2007, among its exhibits - historical medals, antique fans, beaded designs, caskets and purses.

Address: Neringa, Juodkrante, L. Rezos, 3.

Working hours: Tuesday to Saturday from 11:00 to 18:00, on Sundays and before public holidays from 11:00 to 16:00. The museum is closed on Mondays and public holidays.

Gallery of the artist Pranas Domšaitis

Not far from the Museum of Watches in beautiful old buildings there is a picture collection of the authorship of the famous Lithuanian artist-expressionist Pranas Domšaitis - more than 500 picturesque masterpieces made with oil, watercolor and pastel. This exhibition is the largest in the world, but not the only one: many museums of the USA, Germany, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Austria, Canada, Australia and Turkey wished to have the outstanding works of Domshaitis in their expositions.

In addition, in the Klaipėda Gallery you can see works by other artists, sculptors and graphic artists from Western Europe, the Baltic States and Russia, including drawings by young authors (they are easy to find on the first floor of the gallery).

Address: Klaipeda, Liepy, 33.

Working hours: Tuesday to Saturday from 12:00 to 18:00, on Sundays from 12:00 to 17:00. Monday - closed.

Museum hours

Helpful information

Addresses and work schedule of each museum are recommended to be specified in advance, the entrance fee is from 6 to 8 LTL depending on the museum.

Vilnius Picture Gallery, Vilnius Vilnius State Art Museum
Vilnius Picture Gallery
Museum of Applied Arts, Vilnius Vilnius State Art Museum
Museum of Applied Arts