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Lake Prespa - the second pearl of Macedonia. The first is traditionally considered, of course, Ohrid Lake. If Ohrid is entirely in the territory of the Macedonian Republic, then Prespa Lake she is forced to share with Greece and Albania. Meanwhile, Macedonia owns two thirds of the reservoir, in terms of figures, this is approximately 190 square meters. km - this is the area where tourists can move freely and safely

Lake Prespa, like its neighbor Ohrid, has an impressive age. According to scientists, the reservoir arose about 5 million years ago. By the way, since then little has changed here: the lake is as beautiful, clean and rich in terms of inhabitants and vegetation. The preservation of Lake Prespa is also facilitated by the fact that Macedonia has entered into a friendly agreement with Greece and Albania, declaring the reservoir a national heritage and a protected natural site.

On Prespa Lake, in addition to beautiful landscapes, one can admire the only island in Macedonia called Golem Grad , which means "Big City". And although the island has long been uninhabited, you can see the ruins of an ancient monastery in honor of St. Peter.

You can reach Prespa Lake in several ways. The first one runs through Ohrid and the detour of the Galichitsa National Park. Choosing it, you have to travel more than 70 km one way. The second way is much shorter and takes only 40 km to one side. To leave, as in the first case, you need from Ohrid, then - follow the road marked on maps and signs as № 501. True, there is one but. A short route is usually closed in winter.

Lake Prespa

On Prespa Lake, besides beautiful landscapes, you can admire the only island in Macedonia called Golem Grad, which means "Big City". And although the island has long been uninhabited, here you can see the ruins of an ancient monastery in honor of St. Peter. To get to the island, and at the same time make a cruise on the lake, you can rent boats in the nearby villages - Stenje and Konsko.

We add that you can come to Prespa Lake not only in hot summer, but also in autumn. Throughout October, the inhabitants of the closest region to the lake - Tsarev Dvor - are making a feast for the whole world, organizing harvest holidays and fruit festivals.

To avoid a long and useless journey, take a look at the equally famous landmark of Macedonia and the same pearl of the Balkans - Galicica National Park.