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On the eastern shore of Lake Ohrid in a beautiful wooded locality not far from the Samuil hardness there is a large archeological site known as Plaoshnik. Most of the territory is occupied by the monastery of St. Panteleimon, restored according to old original drawings. Next to the rise from the ruins of the building of the first Slavic University. And this is far from all surprises stored in the bowels of Plaoshnika.

Church of St. Panteleimon

Initially, on the site of the modern church of St. Panteleimon, the church of St. Clement of Ohrid was one of the oldest buildings in the city. Despite the enormous religious and cultural significance, the church suffered a difficult fate. However, her contribution to the development of Slavic writing remains unprecedented. It is known that at the monastery worked training centers, the upbringing of which contained hundreds of students. After graduation they went to the world with an enlightening mission: they distributed the written word.

Initially, on the site of the modern church of St. Panteleimon, the church of St. Clement of Ohrid was one of the oldest buildings in the city.

At the time of the Ottoman government, grounds. Many Orthodox relics and artistic values ​​were completely lost. The mosque was erected on the foundation of the Clement Church.

The restoration of the church began only in our time, in 2000. The most complicated process of restoration was held under the patronage of the Ohrid Institute and the National Museum. Several hundred specialists worked on the project. As a result, the work was done brilliantly - the newly-made church of St. Panteleimon literally rose from the ruins. The building was restored in strict accordance with the old drawings. In particular, the interiors have been recreated.

In the church of St. Panteleimon there are glass floors. Through them, one can see the ruins of the former church of St. Clement. In addition, a marble sarcophagus containing the relics of St. Clement can be viewed under a glass cap.

Slavonic University

One more commemorative building is being prepared on the territory of Plaoshnik, named only by the university, conditional . Actually it is about Ohrid school, which worked under the monastery of Clement and was considered the most important center of Slavic writing and culture . Here the famous Clement of Ohrid (by the way, the first writer among the Macedonian Slavs) worked on his literary works Some of them were included into the group of masterpieces of the medieval Slavonic script . Upon completion of the project, a large library and icon gallery will appear in the restored university .


Practical information

Plaeshnik is a direct historical center of ancient Ohrid . Its territory extends near the eastern coast of Ohrid Lake. You can get to it along the street of Kuzman Kapidan, which passes into the narrower street of Kaneo Plaoshnik Pateka. With Plaoshnik, you can see a beautiful view of the Ohrid fortress. In the vicinity there are many hotels and restaurants.