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The history of Skopje Zoo began nearly a century ago with the initiative of the young and ambitious scientist Stanko Karaman. The biologist created a menagerie from virtually nothing: four hectares of land and several animals donated to him. The new city landmark flourished not immediately, but after many decades of selfless labor of Karaman and other founders. By 1966, the zoo of Skopje by the decision of the city council was expanded to modern dimensions.

Stanko Karamana - the famous Macedonian biologist and researcher. Before the zoo, he founded the Museum of Natural History of Macedonia

For many years the zoo of Skopje was severely criticized for poor animal conditions. Indeed, the animals here died pretty often. There is a terrible case with an elephant who lived happily in the zoo of Belgrade for more than 20 years, and after his move to Skopje died less than a year later.

However, all this is in the past, because now the Skopje Zoo is not just an enviable menagerie, but also candidate for membership of the European Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EAZA). Since 2008, it has been properly undertaken: it has secured financing, built 18 new buildings and overhauled over 85% of the old ones. The zoo has visibly revived and grown lazy, and waiting lists for long-awaited customers have appeared at the checkout windows.

Now the Skopje zoo has about 500 species of animals . Among them you can meet all your favorites: lions, monkeys, elephants, giraffes and t . e . The territory of the zoo is divided into thematic blocks: in one part there are cloven-hoofed animals - zebras, camels, horses, in the other - predatory cats, in the third - amusing primates . Animals are kept in relatively spacious enclosures in which conditions are as accurately recreated as possible natural environment of beatings . So, bears have access to water, tigers to trees, and antelopes certainly live on lawns .

When visiting a zoo it is important to follow established safety rules. It is strictly forbidden to feed animals, open aviaries or penetrate into their territory, litter and make noise.

A very rich terrarium deserves special attention. Here you can get acquainted with different kinds of snakes, lizards, spiders, etc. Incidentally, among the latter you can find a species named after Stanko Karaman, his scientific discoverer.

Also there are wonderful recreation areas in the Skopje Zoo. On a hot day, it's nice to relax on a bench in a shady alley, enjoying the non-stopping bird song. And I definitely have to rest, as 12 hectares of the park in one fell swoop can not be beaten. Children can also entertain entertaining entertainments in addition to animals. In addition, in the zoo you can buy drinks, sweet cotton wool and souvenirs.

Skopje Zoo

During the visit to the zoo it is important to follow the established safety rules. It is strictly forbidden to feed animals, open aviaries or enter their territory, litter and make noise

Practical information

Skopje Zoo is located in the center of the city on the bank of the Vardar River. From Macedonia Square along Boulevard Ilinden to the zoo can be reached in just 20 minutes. You can also get by bus number 8 or 15a

Address: Macedonia, Skopje, Boulevard Ilinden

Phone: +389 (2) 322-05-78.

Working hours: daily from 9:00 to 19 : 00.

Cost of entry: 50 MKD (about 1 USD).

All prices are indicated for 2014