A small (26 sq. Km.) Baco Reserve is located in the west of Sarawak, at the mouth of the Bako River. The park is famous for its interesting caves, rocky capes and sandstone cliffs. There are rocky arches and cliffs carved in waves and winds.

In the Bako National Park you can see monkey-noses, silver langur, leopards, giant lizards and an unimaginable number of bird species. In addition, the park has many excellent beaches, hiking trails, a camp site and a restaurant.


How to get to Bako

For half an hour (37 km) you can take the bus No. 6 from Petra Jaya from Kuching to Kampung Bako, from where you can reach the park by boat.

 Fancy Stones, Bako National Park, Malaysia  Bako
Bizarre Stones , Bako National Park
 Beach, Bako National Park, Malaysia  Bako
Beach, Bako National Park
 Snake, Bako National Park, Malaysia  Bako
Snake, Bako National Park
 Bako National Park, Malaysia  Bako
Bako National Park
 Family, National Park Bako, @ Malaysia  Bako
Family, Bako National Park
 Tropinka, Bako National Park, Malaysia  Bako
Trail, Bako National Park
 Utes, Bako National Park, Malaysia  Bako
Utes, Bako National Park