North coast of Mauritius - absolutely universal direction . There will be good not only for divers or fans of lazy beach holidays, but also for party people who do not represent their vacation without night clubs or, conversely, to the fans of silence . The main thing is to know the places . it is difficult to guess: there is a mass of worthy dive sites around the whole coast . Seclusion is worth looking for in the area of ​​the resorts of Cap Maleret and Gran-Gob . But for entertainment - a direct road to the Grand Bae . And it is better not to the surrounding beaches, but in sa bay, where most of the shops, restaurants and nightclubs are located. . Finally, if tourists take out snow-white sand, azure waters and other lyrics, then it is better not to find the beaches of Pereybere and Trou-aux-Biche . Moreover, rest in the north of the country, regardless of the resort, will be spiced with a lot of opportunities for water sports and a good collection of attractions .

Will it be too little? It's not a question: near the northern coast of Mauritius - a whole group of picturesque islands: Quen de Mir, Il-Rond, Gabrielle, Il-Plat, Ile-d'Ambre and Snake Island . All of them are famous for untouched tropical nature, rich underwater and surface creature . The pearl of this collection, the island of Ile-Plat, absolutely empty (not counting the lighthouse), is considered an ideal viewing platform for admiring the ocean and its surroundings . A full complement of water sports is a beneficial complement to the visual effects: diving, Snorkeling, water skiing, swimming, fishing on the beach large fish .

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Transport on the northern coast of Mauritius

Since the resorts of the northern coast of Mauritius are located closer all to Port Louis, there are no problems with the bus service here. From the capital, daily buses run to Cap Maleré via Mont Choisy, Trou aux Biches and Grand Baie, making stops every 500 m along the beach line. Taxis from the Mont Choisy area - Trou aux Biches to the Grand Baie will cost 200 MUR, to Port Louis 300 MUR, to the airport - 900 MUR. From Gran-Bae it's easy to get to the Pamplemous garden: the buses go there every hour. Taxi back and forth plus waiting time will cost the tourist at 500 MUR

Cap-Malere (Cape Failure) - not only a picturesque resort, but also part of the history of the country: it was here in the distant 1810 that the English defeated the French and finally captured the island.

However, many believe (and the sports editorial staff of the "Thinnesses" can not disagree with this), that the best way to travel around the resort is by bike. Take two-wheeler friends can not be rented in the center of the Grand Baie or in almost every hotel (100-150 MUR per day).

The taxi from Grand-Gob to Port Louis costs 500 MUR, Grand Baie - 300 MUR , airport - 1000 MUR.

Taxi from Cap Maleray to Port Louis will cost 600 MUR, airport - 1000 MUR

There is no direct bus service from this part of the island to the airport: it is necessary to get with a transfer in the capital or catch taxi

Beaches on the north coast of Mauritius

The district of Puin-o-Pyman (Cape of Spice, Pointe aux Piments) is interesting for rocky coves, relative calm, turquoise lagoons E and its aquarium, where the non-divers for a modest fee to observe the underwater life of the Indian Ocean in all its glory. Starting from Puen-o-Piman and further south to Balaklava, luxurious hotel complexes stretch to reach which can only be reached by taxi (300-350 MUR from Port Louis): buses do not go there.

Cap Maleret (Cape Failure , Cap Malheureux) is not only a picturesque resort, but also a part of the history of the country: it was here in the distant 1810 that the English defeated the French and finally captured the island, making it their regular colony .However, the name of the resort did not come from this historic event, but from the huge number of broken boats found in the vicinity of the cape. . Rest is preferred by lovers of seclusion, silence and scenic views . The rugged rocky coast of Cap Maleret has a small number of pretty beaches , where, with a certain luck, you can not meet a whole day for the whole day . About some developed entertainment industry outside the hotel territory, of course, it does not go .

Grand Gaube - the end of the tourist infrastructure of northern Mauritius and, literally. Located 6 km from Cap Maleré, this resort boasts unpopulated corners, deserted beaches and just a couple of hotels. Further, from Gran-Goba to the resorts of central-eastern Mauritius Belle-Mar and Trou d'Ou-Douce, there are no beaches.


Entertainment, excursions and attractions of the northern coast of Mauritius

Rest at the resorts of the northern Mauritius and do not go on an excursion to Port Louis - it's just as stupid as not to visit the botanical garden "Pamplemousses" located in the neighborhood of the capital . It is interesting for its giant water-lily and a collection of plants from which make spices . A few kilometers away is the gallery of L'Aventure du Sucre - a tarnished building of a sugar factory now turned into a museum telling about the colonial history of Mauritius . Authentic souvenir shop and restaurant Le Fangourin with traditional Mauritian cuisine are included .

In the Turtle Bay it is worth visiting the ruins of the French arsenal of Balaclava, part of which today is located on the territory of the Maritim hotel

Diving on the north coast of Mauritius

The North Coast attracts divers from all over the world. This is not surprising: it combines the optimal balance of dive sites for beginners and professionals, racks and caves, a diverse flora and fauna. The most exciting diving is in the islands of Il-Plat and Quen de Mir. The local dive site in the northwest of Il-Plata, La Fosse aux Requins, is famous for its impressive population of different sharks. In the case of Can de Peace, on the contrary, the landscapes rich in coral (The Wall and Carpenters) and even one rack - Djabeda, a Japanese ship lying at a depth of 30 m.

Further, to the west to Tru-o-Bish, there is still mass of worthy dive sites: basalt rocks of volcanic origin with crevices and grottoes Peter Holt's Rock (18 m), Lobster Rock for beginners (20 m), and Tombant de la Pointe aux Canonniers for "pro" (they sink at 32-60 m ). In addition, the popular Caravelle, Crosaire Wall and Kingfish, as well as the rack, the 45-meter-long Stella Maru, a Japanese fishing boat that sank in 1987.

North of Gran Baix to Grand Gob, there are Bain Boeuf sites with beautiful corals , standing on the stern inundated in 1992 by the Silver Star Rake and Pointe Vacoas (Cape Wakoa).