Add a review about the Cathedral in Mexico City

The cathedral is in the heart of Mexico City. By this majestic temple, probably, not a single tourist could visit, who was lucky enough to visit the Mexican capital. The high basilica of the most ancient Catholic monastery in Mexico is visible from afar, and the bells of the cathedral can not be confused with any other.

The cathedral in Mexico City, by the way, it was erected in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos, counts its history from 1573. on the site of an already existing monastery, but, according to historians, it was by no means majestic and besides could not accommodate all believers. The construction of the Cathedral in Mexico City lasted for two centuries and, as they say in such cases, the result was worth the effort and time.

No matter how unusual the Cathedral in Mexico City may seem from the outside, the idea of ​​it will be incomplete if you do not look into it internal halls. Everyone can do it regardless of religion.

From the visit to the Mexican temple, all tourists without exception, even those who have traveled half the world and know firsthand about the majestic Catholic cathedrals, remain impressed . The architecture of the Cathedral in Mexico City is not sustained in one, and immediately in three European styles: Baroque, Renaissance and Neoclassicism . Outside the temple has a high nave (about 110 m), two towers, each of 70 m, decorated with numerous columns and arches . The towers are installed nearly three dozen bells . Between them there is another tower, but with chimes . On the facades of the cathedral in Mexico City you can also see the sculptures of the apostles and saints .

Cathedral in Mexico City

But no matter how unusual the Mexican temple did not seem to be outside, still the idea of ​​it would be incomplete if you did not look into its halls. Anyone can do this, regardless of religion. True, visitors are required to observe the silence (or at least calm behavior) and dress code. The latter consists of the absence of so-called beach and too open clothes.

The inner halls of the Cathedral in Mexico City are made in the best traditions of the Renaissance, so here everywhere there is an exorbitant luxury. Columns, walls, the vault of the temple are literally lined with gold, marble and ivory. What are the altars of the cathedral, the main of which is the altar of Absolution - can not be described otherwise as a masterpiece and a work of art. Another pride of the cathedral in Mexico City is the organs of the 18th century, which are still the largest in Latin America.

Working hours: daily, 8:00 - 20:00. The Cathedral in Mexico City can be reached by metro. The nearest stations are Zocalo and Metro Zocalo.