Chihuahua is a city surprisingly rich in architectural beauty, historical heritage and cultural events. Surprisingly, because to many it seems to be one of the main centers of drug trafficking and crime in Mexico - and this is also true. It is also true that one can eat perfectly, take a ride on the most beautiful railway line of the country, amass trouble, play with miniature dogs on the streets, to see dozens of modern and classical sculptures and spend dozens of hours in the city museums.

funny small train ride on mountains and valleys through 35 bridges and 86 tunnels gives tourists the opportunity to admire really stunning pictures.

How to get to Chihuahua

The city is served by the local airport of Roberto Fierro, 18 km from Chihuahua. But most often they come here by buses that connect Chihuahua with all major Mexican cities.

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A bit of history

The main city of the same state of Chihuahua was founded in the beginning of 18 century by the Spaniards .The location for the settlement was chosen not accidentally: here the full-flowing Sacramento merged with Chuwiskar, and here it also passed from Parral to the Rio Grande . In time of war, the Mexican government of Benito Juarez settled in the city, and although this state of affairs lasted only 3 years, the city began to grow rapidly . At the beginning of the 20th century, rebels were based here, led by Pancho Villia . At the end of the 20th century Chihuahua's economy incredibly spurred the transfer of factories of large American corporations in its vicinity .

Alas, the Chihuahua's reputation in sense of crime la is far from flawless. The wars of drug lords with each other rage here all the time. The Chihuahua is based mostly Mexican cartel Sipaloa - less numerous than Tijuana Arellano, but at the same time supplying the US with tons of hard drugs

Entertainment, tours and attractions Chihuahua

colonial part of the city is very beautiful . There are a lot of pedestrian zones. amazing mansions, ancient churches and beautiful squares . The rest of the city's districts are typically Hispanic and do not represent a special interest for the tourist . Unlike more southern Mexican cities, the locals are quite friendly belong to tourists .Therefore, you are unlikely to get unpleasant impressions, viewing the city on your own in the daytime . By the way, you can do this with the help of the cartoon form of retro-trolleybus "El Tarahumara", which copies its appearance of urban transport of the early 20th century .

4 things , which must be done in Chihuahua:
  1. Buy cowboy boots. An incredible number of shops selling them exclusively, located on the street Ocampo
  2. See colonial aqueduct built in the 18th century
  3. Photograph modern sculpture "Tree of Life" at the northern entrance to the city -.. Avant-garde, as well as all creations Sebastian
  4. . Be sure to take a ride on the "Chepe" on the Copper canyon

Among the attractions that are sure worth seeing -. Cathedral of San Francisco in the cathedral in . 1811 . was originally buried Miguel Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, "Father of the nation ", One of the most revered heroes of the struggle s Mexican for independence from the Spaniards (executed last) . After receiving the country's independence, the body was taken away to Mexico City, but the Cathedral of St. Francis is still considered one of the most valuable architectural sites of the city . This is one of the few preserved monuments of the colonial era and the main Catholic shrine of Chihuahua . The construction of the cathedral was started in 1715 . and completed in the middle of the century; its appearance is typical of the architecture of the Franciscan order - the cathedral looks simple, humble and snow-white-clean .

Plaza de Armas, "Plaza de Armas" - the very center of the city, which is traditionally for the Spanish colonial construction . This is a large an area to which today adjoins a small pedestrian street with shops and restaurants . On the square there is a beautiful building of the old Town Hall of the early 20th century built . And opposite stands the main religious landmark of the city - the cathedral on Libertad Street . This is the pre Red LED example of baroque architecture and one of the tallest cathedrals in Mexico . When the cathedral is a museum of religious art .

Cathedral of Chihuahua

interests of the government palace with a central patio and a mural around; however, go inside is not easy . Since the attack on Governor Patricio Martinez was directly committed on the steps, the palace was fortified several times . The "Father of the Nation" was executed in the palace, and the Altar of the Motherland . Walking around the palace, you can go to the museum of local history through the back entrance . And behind the Government Palace, near the Dancing Fountains, is the Federal Palace built in the early 20th century . There used to be a prison here, then a post office, and with 2004 . in the palace the art museum of Casa Chihuahua was opened . Oso bai national shrine, which is located inside the palace, is a prison cell in which the Spaniards kept Miguel Hidalgo-i-Costilla .

There are many, many - many dogs of this breed on the streets of Chihuahua. But they do not look the same at all, very different in color, size and shaggy. Creatively minded hosts intensify this effect, coloring their dogs in the most vivid and acidic shades

Another very noticeable and lively city square is Plaza Mayor. On it, since 2003, stands on a high column the sculpted Angel of Freedom. The angel holds in his hand a sword with a laser in the tip, and can rotate around its axis. In addition to the Angel, several more heroic monuments are installed on the square, and there are also fountains and green recreation areas, which attracts vacationers here. Template: Trnovy PB2 The Chihuahua Museum of Decorative Art occupies a beautiful Quinta Gameroos mansion built in Art Nouveau style . Cassa Redond's Museum of Contemporary Art is located at the corner of Colon Avenue and Escudero Street in a house built in the early 19th century built . Previously, this building, whose name translates as "round house", belonged to the National Railway Company . A Revoluts Museum is located in the former house of Pancho Villa, a revolutionary hero, and here you can see many items related personally to him, in particular, the car in which Villa was killed . Also in the city there is a museum of republican government - he is the museum of Cassa Juarez, whose exposition is devoted to the time of the presidency of President Benito Juárez .

In Chihuahua there is also a museum of mammoths with 13 rooms where you can see the expositions devoted to the era of dinosaurs and an exhibition of prehistoric art.

In the city there are many beautiful old buildings that belonged to local rich people. This, for example, the mansion Kril, the mansion Terrazas, the mansion of Quinta Carolina - the former summer residence of don Luis Terracea. It is worth looking into the residential block on Zarko Avenue: here are concentrated some of the most impressive houses of the pre-revolutionary era. There are also many restaurants, cafes and bars; and most importantly, the nightlife in this area is completely safe.

Chihuahua State

In Chihuahua, the famous modern sculptor Sebastian was born. He benefited his hometown with a number of monumental works, the most famous of which can be considered "The Door". This quaintly curved metal construction is bright red, one of the highest in the world, located in the southern part of the city, on the highway that leads to the city of Delisias.

A trip to the Copper Canyon

Chihuahua is the starting point of the famous Chihuahua-Pacific the railway that passes through the Copper Canyon and connects the city with the coastal Los Mochis - "el Chepe" . And this journey is definitely worth taking if you have even a little extra time . A trip on a funny train in the mountains and The valleys through 35 bridges and 86 the tunnels give tourists the opportunity to admire really stunning pictures . These are small villages, green gorges with waterfalls, and majestic panoramas of mountain peaks from a height of almost 2, 5 km above sea level, and colorful characters at stations selling wicker baskets and hats .

The path to Los Mochis is not long and takes from 14 to 16 hours depending on whether you are going by an ordinary train or an express train. There are dining cars in the trains, and at every station local grandmothers can buy a whole lot of delicious things, so the trip is quite comfortable. Then you can either return from Los Mochis to Chihuahua by plane, or you can rest on the shores of the Gulf of California.

Book popular Chihuahua hotels at the best prices

Quality Inn Chihuahua San Francisco from 5 233 rubles Chihuahua Victoria 409 Hotel Sicomoro from 4 186 rubles Chihuahua Boulevard Ortiz Mena 411 Casa Grande Business Plus Chihuahua from 5,848 rubles Chihuahua Avenida Tecnologico 4702 Colonia, Granjas
Real Chihuahua by Camino Real from 2 955 rubles Chihuahua Calle del Angel Numero 5100 Colonia Nombre de Dios Hotel Plaza Chihuahua from 3 571 rubles Chihuahua Calle Cuarta 204 Colonia Centro Soberano Hotel & Resort from 6,525 rubles Chihuahua Baranca del Cobre 3211.
Hampton Inn by Hilton Chihuahua City from 4,740 rubles Chihuahua Periferico de la Ju ventud 6100 Fraccionamiento Las Haciendas Hotel Best Western Cumbres Aeropuerto from 4,309 rubles Chihuahua Vialidad Ch-P S / N Hotel Posada Tierra Blanca from 3 078 rubles Chihuahua Niños Heroes, 102. Colonia Centro

Central Park Palomar, modern and well-maintained, is also definitely worth a visit. Once it was hard to imagine an idea worse than walking around this area. Today in the "Golubin" park set of sculptures - including "Three Doves", which gave the name of the park. Concerts, art events and large parties are held here.

Chihuahua is famous for the authentic local cuisine "nortegno" - in principle quite similar to the classical "tex-Mex". However, her dishes are considered quite healthy: they are usually based on beef, cheese and chili

In the eastern part of the city, in Nombre de Dios, there is one more interesting sight of Chihuahua. This is a large system of caves with stalactites and stalagmites - Grutas de Nombre de Dios. You can get here by bus. Inside, the floors are laid and handrails are held, so there are no difficulties with cave exploring.