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Mexico - the location of one of the most ambitious and amazing volcanic systems of the Earth, comparable to its colossal only with the Eastern ridge of Kamchatka or the giant Alley of Volcanoes in Ecuador. It's about the Transverse Volcanic Sierra. Here is located Popocatepetl, a troubled volcano that attracts thousands of tourists, bewitched by local natural beauty.

In translation from the Aztec language of the ancient inhabitants of Mexico, the name of this landmark is translated as "The smoking mountain". Mexicans call affectionately El-Popo.

Popocatepetl is the second highest volcano in Mexico, 55 km south-east of the capital and 45 km south-west of Puebla.

Activity of the volcano

Popocatepetl has a neighbor - the sacred mountain Istaksiatl, with which he is connected by a poetic legend .Constantly around with the giants of Popocatepetl and Orizaba, young volcanoes grow, whose activity periodically causes concern among residents of nearby villages .For example, Horullo, who was born in the 17th century, continues to increase, or Parikutin, which appeared in 1943, puffing and throwing out clouds of smoke threateningly .Popocatepetl does not give the surrounding villages trouble, the last time it erupted in 820, but periodically and it has bursts of activity .

2 things that should be done at Popocatepetl
  1. Look into the town of Cholula, who gently nodded at the foot of the volcano to taste tortillas in one of the cafes. Because of the volcanic ash in the soil, they have a unique taste and aroma.
  2. Try the attractions of the center of extreme entertainment, which is located 7 km from the entrance to the national park.

Permit to visit

To get to the zone of "volcano danger", located in the national park Popocatepetl and Istaksiatl, you need to get a special permit, which is signed by the management of the park National Park Izta-Popo Zoquiapan, whose office is located in the town of Amecameca.

Routes and zones of the volcano

The volcano can be divided into 3 zones: lower, middle and upper. The lower, thanks to the lush vegetation is considered a green zone, covered with fragrant coniferous forests. This zone smoothly flows into dead or stone. The upper part of the mountain is covered by non-glacial glaciers. Due to the fertility of the soils surrounding the volcano, here is the "Tree Tula", the world famous yew, which is declared a monument of nature by the Mexican government. Its trunk weighs about 550 tons.

It is not worth mentioning that it is dangerous to climb a mountain during the activity of a volcano, and the best months for sallies are March, April, September and October.

Active volcano Popocatepetl

How to get here

The Istaksiatl-Popocatepetl National Park is an hour's drive away and 64 km from Mexico City. You can reach the intercity bus by taking a bus at any bus station in Mexico City.


The slopes of the volcano are dotted with 14 monasteries, which are perfectly preserved and are examples of the Franciscan, Dominican and Augustinian architectural styles of the early 16th century.

Popocatepetl, Mexico Popocatepetl
Popocatepetl at sunset, Mexico Popocatepetl
Popocatepetl at sunset
View of Popocatepetl, Mexico Popocatepetl
View of Popocatepetl