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Morocco is a land of stunning contrasts: the sand hills of the Sahara desert and snow-covered mountains, golden beaches and azure waters of the Mediterranean Sea, silvery waterfalls, swift rivers in mountain canyons, cedar forests and orange groves, unjustified cruelty and unforgettable hospitality . But if you do not visit Marrakech while traveling to Morocco and do not see its most interesting places, then the trip becomes meaningless . There are thousands of tourists from all over the world year round in this city . Marrakesh Aga enjoy meeting with beautiful exotic palaces, mosques, orange gardens, gurgling beautiful fountains and many others. .

There is another legend that tells that every evening a scientist and Saint Sidi rise to the minaret of the Kutubia mosque Abu al-Abbas-el-Sabti (1130-1205) and descends from him only when he is convinced that all the blind beggars of Marrakech have obtained food and shelter.

But there are places shrouded in secrets about which they form legends . One of them - Koutoubia Mosque, built 12th century and erected twice . According to legend, when the mosque was erected it suddenly became clear that the mihrab was directed to the other side from Mecca . In anger, Sultan Abd-Al-Mumin ordered the head to be cut off to the architect and the mosque destroyed . Then it was rebuilt . According to another legend, during the holy month of Ramadan, one of the sultan's wives sinned and ate three grape . The Muslim, immediately repenting, gave all her gold jewelry to be melted and made of them golden balls for decorations of the top of the mosque .

Koutoubia Mosque - Marrakech

In Morocco, a person can become happy, dreams come true if, keeping the tradition, make a wish in time. So says another legend. If a water-carrier meets in Morocco, you can be sure that the desired desire will come true. In Marrakech, there is another custom. If, at night on a full moon, a person with pure thoughts, standing at the minaret of the Kutubiya mosque facing east, suddenly sees the "reflection" on the moon of those same golden balls of the mosque and makes a wish, then it will be fulfilled 100%

This ritual is performed by practically all tourists who fall in Marrakech on a full moon

So, Kutubiya (in translation - "bookshop" or "library") - the largest African mosque, housing up to twenty thousand people . It combines the Andalusian and Moroccan traditions of architecture: a covering of colored stucco , finish Five colorful mosaic . . domes crown the mosque Inside there are seventeen Belostenny chapels with arches in the shape of a horseshoe .In the central side-chapel - mihrab, directed towards Mecca . The inner courtyard of the mosque, where the Islamic law and the Koran were read before the 13th century (madrasah constructions), serves for traditional prayers - namaz .

The most ancient 77-meter minaret of the mosque Kutubia, as if soaring in the sky, serves as a guide for all tourists, as it can be seen from anywhere in Marrakech.

No Muslims can not enter the mosque - it's forbidden. But one can observe it from outside, walk around the garden, walk along footpaths - favorite places for evening walks.

There is another legend telling that every evening a scientist and holy Sidi Abu el- Abbas el-Sabti (1130-1205) and descends from him only when he is convinced that all the blind beggars of Marrakech have got their food and shelter.

How to get to the Koutoubia Mosque

The mosque is on Avenue Mohammed V in Marrakech. You can reach it by bus to Koutoubia station - very convenient.