All that many travelers see in Tetuan is a bus station. Meanwhile, this city is very much worth it to spend more time here. It is multinational: the Spanish, Berber and Jewish cultures have been mixed and integrated here for a long time. Arabic, French and Spanish are spoken here.

Medina Tetuan is classified by UNESCO as a World Heritage site. Unlike other Moroccan Medin, the Tetuan reflects the unique multicultural history of the northern part of the country. It is divided into three parts: the Andalusian, Jewish and Berber, although inexperienced eye can hardly distinguish offhand where one ends and another begins

How to get to Tetuan Tetuan

- a major transport hub of northern part of the country, and here is not. hard to get by bus. From Tangier to go no more than an hour (one bus daily), from Casablanca - 6-7 hours (two buses a day, via Rabat), from Rabat - 4-5 hours, from Meknes - 5 hours (daily bus), from Marrakech - 11 hours (also daily bus).

Search for airline tickets to Casablanca (the nearest airport to Tetuan)

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A bit of history

The Mauritanian village on the site of the present Tetuan appeared more in the 3rd century BC . . e, later visited here and the Carthaginians, and Romans . in the early 14th century, the city has revived from the desolation of the reigning sultan, but in the 15th century destroyed the city Castilians . After the fall of Granada in the end Spanish Reconquista refugees who were expelled from Spain arrived in Tetuan in hundreds and thousands, sharply increasing the number of local population . Fell in love with the city and pirates . At the beginning of the 20th century it became capitals first Spanish Morocco, and remained so for more than 40 years . also historically and Tetuan was a place where all flocked Moroccan Jews; Although the mid-20th century, almost all of them have left the city, he emigrated to other countries .

Entertainment, tours and attractions

Tetuan Tetuan is located in the middle of a chain of orchards, which grow oranges, almonds, pomegranates and cypresses . Nearby are the Reef Mountains, and the city picturesquely climbs along the northern slope of the hill in the valley that goes down to the Martil River . The streets of Tetuan are wide and straight, and many houses on them once belonged to the local aristocracy; They are decorated with marble fountains and gardens with orange trees . ceilings in private residences are often covered with beautiful carvings and frescoes like alambrskih or . of Granada is also famous for its mosaics Tetuan: they decorate the floors, columns and lower parts of the walls .

Kinds of Tetouan Medina of Tetouan

classified by UNESCO as World heritage sites humanity . Unlike other Moroccan Medina, tetuanskaya reflects the unique multicultural history of northern territory . It is divided into three parts: the Andalusian, evreys kuyu and Berber, although inexperienced eye can hardly distinguish offhand where one ends and another begins . houses everywhere white, mostly short, everywhere walk around all sorts of artisans - jewelers, tanners, weavers and street vendors are actively trying to sell to tourists carpets . Due to its small size, Medina can be inspected slowly and without risking getting lost . Of course, you can do it yourself, but you will get much more pleasure by going on a guided tour .

One of the most famous local n refrigeration drinks - Za3Za3 or ZaaZaa. This is something like a milkshake with avocados, bananas, apples, almonds and much more than that it is impossible to remember or identify.

Avenue of Mohammed V is a pedestrian street in the center of the city. In the evening, when the day's heat falls, it is filled with people: there are dozens of cafes, boutiques, restaurants, tourist shops, and street vendors are scurrying around. If you go further down the avenue, you will reach second-hand book shops in all kinds of world languages, and also to the royal palace.

At the top of the hill above the city stands the old Kasbah, the medieval fortress of Medina. From here you can see a good view of the mountains, and on the territory of the fortress you can easily wander a couple of hours. Plus, in Kasbah there is a street filled entirely with jewelry stores alone. Passing through the vegetable market, meat and fish ranks and Berber shops, you will find yourself on it. In each showcase, there shines and poured either gold as such or dresses and costume made by him.

5 things to do in Tetuan:
  1. Walking in the Garden of Lovers - replica of the gardens in Spanish Granada.
  2. Pull on the urban market - a bitch who at the same time is similar to all similar markets in the Arab countries, and, like all of them, is unique.
  3. Go to the herbal pharmacy and try the aromas of a couple of dozen medicinal mixtures. Most likely, it will be completely unclear to you from what they are treating, but you can buy something at random, focusing on your own nose.
  4. Make a lot of pictures of fat and content cats in Kasbah
  5. Drink water from the secaite, public fountain, bearing in mind that they are still not connected to the modern water supply system, but are supplied with water from natural sources (as was planned at the time of creation.)

In the time of its former glory in Tetuan, there were more than 40 watchtowers. Today there are about 20 of them: some are united with the city wall, and some stand alone. The Al-Iskal Tower near Bab-Al, built in 1820 under the rule of Sultan Abdelrahman, was opened for visiting.

In Tetuan there is an archaeological museum located near the gate Bab-Tut. Archaeological finds suggest that people lived here more than a million years ago, and many of them are represented in the museum's exposition. This includes artifacts found in the caves of Martil and Sidi-Abdurrahman. In addition to Stone Age items, the museum also features aerial photographs of Mzura - some kind of similarity of Stonehenge - and its three-dimensional model.

The Museum of Moroccan Art is located next to the gate of Bab Okla. Here you can admire even the beautiful mosaics that were found in the houses of Lexos in the 1-2 centuries BC. e. In addition, the museum exhibits traditional costumes and local musical instruments

A school of traditional crafts was opened near the museum in 1928 ., where children are taken at the age of 9, and where they study for 7 years . The school is open for a tourist visit, and you can get really interesting impressions . The pupils are engaged in six courses: molding, metal work, ceramics, woodwork, carpet weaving and tailoring, as well as painting with natural colors . Straight at the entrance the school begins the exhibition student works, and when you go to the patio in the summer, you almost certainly will get to the student master classes .

The National Institute of Fine Arts was founded in 1947 by Marion Bertuchi, a Spanish artist. Since 2000, the institute teaches a course of drawing strips of comics. And the annual international strip festival takes place here in 2004.

At the Tetuan bus station it is better to be cautious: as a lot of travelers just pass it by transit, there are plenty of opportunities for small crooks.

The Museum of Contemporary Art Tetuan occupies the building of the old Spanish the train station on Almassera Street . Trains stopped walking with the proclamation of Morocco's independence, but nowadays a beautiful and rich building has been restored by placing photos inside the collection . A zdan At home, Ben Abdo opened the Museum of Veterans of the Moroccan War of Independence . It is likely that you are not interested in these local history events, but the museum is worth a visit: it is an excellent example of an old town house with paintings and mosaics in the interior, arches and patterned staircases .

Book popular Tetuan hotels at the best prices

Hotel Chams from 5 376 rubles Tétouan Avenue Abdelkhalek Torres La Paloma from 4 894 rubles Tétouan 751, Avenue Moulay Hassan Bel Mehdi
Hôtel Atenas from 3 102 rubles Tétouan Bd Allal Ben Abdellah El Yacouta from 2826 rubles. Tétouan Km 2 Route De Tetouan Ceuta
Hôtel Marina from 1310 rubles. Tétouan Avenue Meknès

But not only attractive Medina of Tetouan . Walking through the new part of the city, you can admire several beautiful Spanish colonial buildings . In particular, Almanderi center near "Umayma" hotel is an interesting architectural mixture of Spanish and Moroccan traditions . The old building of the Spanish barracks also deserves attention: colorful, terracotta and recognizable, it stands near the central passage . in itself a passage with peaked arch, you triplets in the 1920s . also attracts . And finally, it is worth to view Catholic Cathedral, which features a powerful square tower with a clock .

Landmarks Tetuan

Tamudo Bay is located 15 km from the city, and here on an area of ​​50 ha created a first-class infrastructure for leisure . Luxury hotels and country clubs offer golf courses, water parks, shops and restaurants . also, there are two marinas for pleasure boats and yachts, the ability to take rent any equipment for water sports and thalassot centers Apia . resort area starts from M'dika, which in itself is noteworthy because of its romantic port . It is the perfect place for an intimate dinner, after which it will be very nice to walk along the streets of the village and have a look at the traditional fishing boats . Fans of the species can thus walk to the Cape Negro lighthouse .