Submit feedback on Berber Museum

The Municipal Museum of the Berber Heritage in Agadir is small, but quite interesting. It was opened 40 years after the terrible earthquake in 2000. About 200 artifacts belonging to the people from the region of Souss-Massa-Draa are exhibited in three halls, and a total of about 1000 objects are exhibited in the permanent exhibition.

In the museum, you can get acquainted with the daily life of Berbers and learn, for example, about how they made their jewelry and what tools they used. Here you can see traditional carpets, ceramics and various decorations: brooches, earrings, necklaces. Wooden doors of dwellings are also interesting in their own way. In addition, curious photographs of Berbers in traditional costumes are posted on the walls.

The main pride of the museum is the peculiar pendant Mass, which is a recognizable disk with a spiral. This traditional decoration became a symbol of the museum.

Special attention is paid to the talismans, which were of great importance for the traditional Berber society. The main pride of the museum is the peculiar pendant Mass, which is a recognizable disk with a spiral. This decoration became a symbol of the museum.

Many centuries ago, traditional jewelry and even household items were not used "just because" they are beautiful .Each decorative element had some value .Therefore in the museum it makes sense to ask the guide for help .The guide tells us what is the meaning in the ornaments of different shapes, and what is the difference between the North and South Moroccan products, which means different patterns on the carpets and the different colors of the enamel, and what distinguishes the Berber tribes and their culture .In this museum it is easy to understand how in ancient times ornaments were a kind of non-verbal language, passing a specific message .

On the lower floor of the museum there is space for temporary exhibitions. It is necessary to look here if art works are exhibited: even in contemporary paintings of local artists, it is easy to trace the connection with the roots of the ancestors, they are so bright, colorful and in a characteristic color scheme. In addition, there is a small library of books on local culture on the ground floor.

Practical information

The museum is hard to not find: it is located on the main pedestrian street of Agadir, near the beach. Front entrance is decorated with traditional terracotta gates.

Address: Morocco, Agadir, Ave Hassan, 2.

Working hours: 10:00 - 19:00, closed on Sunday.

Input: 20 MAD (June 2014).