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Tired from long walks through the noisy and crowded Marrakech, tourists find rest, peace and quiet when visiting the gardens of Menard (Jardin de la Menara). This is a very nice place to relax in Morocco, located outside the Medina, on the western outskirts of the city, near the airport. They were created in the 12th century by the founder of the Almohad dynasty, the caliph Abd al-Mumin. And today it is the symbol of Marrakech. In the gardens of Menara, vegetables and fruits were grown, new types and varieties of plants were cultivated, tested and acclimatized.

Menara Gardens is a magnificent public park in Marrakesh, which gives a pleasant coolness on a hot Moroccan day. They are surrounded by an adobe wall and are spread over almost a hundred hectares. Olives, palms, orange and other fruit trees grow mainly here, the age of some is about three hundred years

Many gardens are kept by Menara Gardens. Legends tell us that in the gardens of Menara the sultan from Almoravides was entertained with his concubines. And the next morning the concubine with which he spent the night waited for death - she was thrown into a pond. So in the gardens there are many skeletons of dead women

In the 12th century, by the order of the Almohad dynasty sultans, in the middle of the garden was dug a huge pond that functions as a reservoir where meltwater from the Atlas mountains was collected, 30 km from Marrakesh, gardens . Khettaras catchment system was constructed from two hundred-meter underground pipes that converged in the basin . A Moulay Abderrakhman in the 19th century made some changes in the gardens and built a large pavilion . It is assumed that the name of "menara" happened exactly from this a charming two-story pavilion with a green roof in Egyptian style in the shape of a pyramid .

Inside the pavilion used as an exhibition hall is not very impressive, but outside it is very beautiful . In a pavilion reflected in the mirror water of an artificial lake, there is a large balcony with a balustrade, from where, for 10 MAD, you can enjoy the opening fabulous views of the Atlas summit, the central alley that passes to Amir Mulai Rashid avenue, and the minaret of the Kutubiya mosque on the horizon . And with the onset of darkness this place becomes c azochnym, when the water and palm trees reflected in it, in the rays of the setting sun are painted in gold .

Many gardens are stored in the gardens of Menara. Legends tell us that in them the sultan from Almoravides was entertained with his concubines. And the next morning the concubine with which he spent the night waited for death - she was thrown into a pond. So in the gardens there are many skeletons of dead women. Another legend says that the same sultan in the gardens of Menara buried the treasures gathered after the military campaigns.

The gardens were a place of romantic meetings, organization of receptions, festivals, sports competitions, military training were held here. For example, in the Middle Ages, soldiers of the Almohad army were trained here to conquer Al-Andalus (Muslim Spain 711-1492)

The working hours of the Menara Gardens

This oasis awaits its guests daily from 8:00 to 19:00. Entrance is free

How to get to the gardens of Menara

To the gardens you can walk 3 km from the Kutubiya mosque (center of Medina) by avenue Amir Moulay Rachid (about 45 minutes)

Menara Gardens is a great place where it is compulsory you need to visit to learn more about the past of Marrakech and enjoy the coolness, taking cover from the scorching sun and the noise of the city in this wonderful oasis.