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Sossuflei - this is the name of the plain, and a concrete salt-clay site on it, surrounded by tall red dunes. The plain is located in the southern part of the Namib Desert, in the Namib-Naukluft National Park. Simultaneously, this is the name of a small village between the dunes, where it happens that it's snowing. Another "populated point" in the district is the petrol station "Sesriem", named after the nearby canyon.

Sosssuflei was created by the river Tsaushab, which flows through the canyon of Sesriem - occurs every 5-10 years. Even in the wettest years, the river never reaches the Atlantic Ocean, but leaves in the sand between the dunes of Sossuuflei. The name itself can be roughly translated as a "dead-end route". For thousands of years, streams of water have brought clay here and sought out the path through the dunes. As a result, unique landscapes have formed, which attract tourists here.

One of these places is Dedflei, where the river dried up for many years .As a matter of fact, it is Dedflay who is usually referred to, speaking of Sosssufle .This plateau lies side by side with the Sossufly, about 2 km from the plain .Once here was an oasis and trees grew, but then the river turned away, and because of a lack of moisture all the plants died .Moreover, it is so dry here that the wood could not even degenerate naturally, but it was mummified ."Dedflei" - "Dead Valley", where the skeletons of large trees still stand against the background of a dazzling blue sky and bright red hills .This view is the same picture that is most often associated with Sossuflyya in general, and which is shot in movies and clips .Photographing it here come travelers from around the world .

"Dedflei" is the "Dead Valley", where the skeletons of large trees still stand against the background of a dazzling blue sky and bright red hills. This view is the same picture that is most often associated with Sossuflyya in general, and which is shot in movies and clips. Photographing it here come travelers from around the world.

The third worthwhile plateau in the vicinity is Hiddenflei, located 4 km from the parking lot, but it is much less popular than the first two.

The gas station "Sesriem" is the gateway to the plain and national park: from here on a direct road it is necessary to go to Sossuflya about 60 km. A small canyon Sesriem, just south of the gas station, is also considered the best place to watch the sunset. In the canyon it is easy to go down and stroll along the dry riverbed.

Filling station "Sesriem" is the only place for dozens of kilometers around where you can buy food and water in the store. But in the area many expensive resort hotels with restaurants are built.

The dunes of Sossufly are one of the highest in the world: many of them are higher than 200 m, and the highest, "Big Daddy", reaches 380 m. It is located not far from Dedflei and stands opposite the second very high dune - "Big Mama". The color of the dunes varies from pink to bright orange due to the high content of iron in the sand and the constantly ongoing oxidation processes. More intensively red dunes, respectively, are older.

The most famous dune is Dune 45, named because of its location 45 km from Sesriem on the way to Sossuflyya. It is considered the most photographed dune of the world and has a memorable shape. The dune is located close to the road, so it is not difficult to find and remove it. In addition, its height is only 80 m, and the slope is not very steep, so hunters after dawn are often taken to the dune with cameras.

In some places of Sossufly you can see fossilized dunes. One of these places is called - Petrified dunes, it is located about 60 km from Sesriem, if you go in the direction of Solitaire. These dunes of red sand, which have been hardened in an unchanged state, are unimaginably old: they are over a billion years old.

Dawn in Dedflei

In itself, the Sossufly plain is not such a dead place .The tops of the dunes are often covered with a relatively rich desert for vegetation .Here live small animals like tiny lizards and even mammals - for example, jackals and antelopes .During the tidal season, migratory birds also appear here .Most of the Sossuflyya fauna (and Namiba in general) is endemic and has adapted to the local severe conditions .The most amusing device was developed by "fog beetles" (they are also Namib sand): before dawn they collect water in a fog in tanks in their backs .

How to get to Sossuuflei

If you are taking a day trip from Windhoek, then Sossufly / Sesriem is the best part of it. The road lies through several rather difficult passes in the mountains, along secondary roads, so it is necessary to carefully choose the route in the absence of a car with a sufficiently high clearance. The best road goes from the south-central city of Mariental. In addition, it has several excellent survey sites.

Thanks to the influx of tourists, the authorities of Namibia have done a lot to support this direction in the region: in particular, at the beginning of the millennium the asphalt road between Sesriem and Sossufley parking was laid. This is one of the extremely few asphalted roads in Namibia, which is not in the city.

Almost all travel companies in Windhoek and Swakopmund organize excursions to Sossufly, and this may be the best choice. Some of them even offer to fly over the plain on an airplane or hot air balloon. If you still decide to get on your own, keep in mind that for travel to the national park requires a special permit. You can buy it in the office right outside the gate of Sesriem.